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5 Ways To A healthy Lifestyle, is a useful tool that directs parents to the right types of food and a better lifestyle for their kids. The home is the only place kids are likely to get that type of information.

Schools do not offer a healthy diet. They are focused on manufactured, processed foods. In other words carbohydrates, Carb foods like cereals and snack foods do not provide kids with energy. They only provide the fuel. The only food that can provide energy is protein.

Unless kids start the day with a protein breakfast, have a healthy lunch that includes meats and fruit. And a dinner that contains at least 60% protein, They will tend to get fat. They will have constant low energy. They will be exposed to diabetes type 2 and other risky diseases and their lives will be unhealthy and greatly shortened.

I recommend the NSW Gov website for producing a very useful, time saving device to help parents make better choices.

Kirsten Plotkin
Healthy Lifestyle - News

Date of experience: September 11, 2013