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October 13, 2020

It was once believed that men should be rough and rugged, therefore there is no need for skin moisturizers and face creams, that's feminine. The question is do men really need moisturizer.

Those sayings are in the past. We now know that it is not feminine to use face creams and moisturizers. Whether male or female, it is quite natural to want our bodies to have a soft, smooth touch.

When my son was younger, he didn't see the value of it. Even though I believed that he should use a moisturizer in his daily skincare routine, he never thought he needed one until he started to get older and his skin got drier, and he started to develop fine lines and wrinkles around his mouth and eye areas.

That's when he started to use Shea Butter and vitamin E moisturizers. He should actually be writing this review about this amazing product, that can actually be homemade. It can be used by females too. I find it to be a very amazing product that is "out of this world".

It is a known fact that the skin can become dry as a result of a lack of moisture. This is a result of an impaired skin barrier and dysfunction or deficiency in the necessary healthy fats in the top layer of the skin, which is made up of dead cells and natural oils which help trap moisture to keep the skin soft and smooth. Without enough moisture, dry skin could result. The need for drinking more water and using a moisturizer.

The fact is, a very good moisturizer helps with dry skin. It keeps you looking younger. They supply water to the skin and the grease, in this case, the shea butter holds it in. Vitamin E has moisturizing and healing benefits so it will help to strengthen the skin barrier function and fight off free radicals on the skin which will help to protect the skin from damage.

Each person has a different skin type, what works for one person may not work for all. Research your skin type to see if this product will be beneficial for you. If it is, you won't be sorry you try it.

Date of experience: October 12, 2020