Although I worked for a major HMO in California for 20 years, as soon as I could, I changed my medical care to Sutter. I have been very happy with my doctors and the care I receive for my major health problems. One thing I love about Sutter is their "myhealthcareonline" computer system which allows me to make or cancel appointments, look up my lab and Xray results, and email my doctors. I have found that trying to contact doctors who are now Sutter-affiliated is an exercise in futility! I never could get in touch with them, or if I faxed something, it would go into my chart, with no answer until I saw the doctor again-which might be months later! My Sutter doctors and their staff answer me very quickly. As an RN, I am very interested in viewing my own results. Many doctor's staff, if they call at all to tell you the results of your lab or radiology tests, simply say, "They are normal" or not. That isn't good enough for me; I want to see them for myself. I should also put this review under "Myhealthonline". If you are a Sutter member, PLEASE make sure you sign up for "myhealthonline" in order to get the full benefits of this great program.