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Report Review is an awesome website with full of latest medical news for both consumers and physicians. It provides news for healthier living. It is a guidance to the patients. The editorial staff hails from some of the largest media companies, with expertise in health and medical journalism. This site is really a great resource for health care news.

Date of experience: October 15, 2014
New York
180 reviews
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Report Review is a news site for the latest medical news for both consumers as well as physicians through their website. They syndicate their news to other sources including government websites. I like going directly to this site to get the latest evidence based healthcare news and the site is well organized by speciality. It is a great resource for consumers who have a particular concern or disease as they can sign up to receive updates on that particular concern so when there is new information available or a new study, they can read about it.

Date of experience: November 19, 2010