How would you rate Greenpeace?
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The base site for Greenpeace International – from here you can click down to all the various national sites and see what the eco-warriors are campaigning for in your neck of the woods. Committed green issue activists, Greenpeace have proven themselves to be considerable pains in the rear to governments, defence industries, nuclear power generators, big business, property developers, land grabbers and sea polluters among others. Surely that's a good thing?

They have often taken action at great risks to themselves. In 1985 they pissed off the French government to the point that it sent an assassination team to New Zealand and sank their ship, the Rainbow Warrior, killing the photographer Fernando Pereira.

You might not agree with Greenpeace on all their campaigns, but you have to give them kudos for fighting the good fight on behalf of the bulk of the population of the planet who can't or won't get off their backsides to do anything about preserving the world for everyone else.

Date of experience: February 8, 2011
Rhode Island
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Greenpeace starvation Sri Lanka!
December 25, 2022

Greenpeace, you know, The Green moralists, the groups that insist on a total ban on fossil fuels and nuclear power. Fossil fuels are not just for power, they also used many other things, like to make fertilizer. If we stopped using them how many people around the world would starve to death. Is that what you want mass genocide. How about current events,Jul 17,2022 Sri Lanka is the tip of the iceberg of how "Green New Deal" policies promoted by the World Bank, IMF, Davos, and Greenpeace will lead to poverty, starvation, and chaos worldwide. The shutting down USA fossil fuel production emboldened Putin. The blood of many Ukraine citizens is on their hands. We need to show up at every event they hold and counter protest them. Environmentalist need to meet the rest of humanity part way. We should push to have all power plants converted to advanced nuclear power That would give us CO2 free power and let us recycle nuclear waste to a much safer state. Then fossil fuels could be used for heating homes and for power in portable use, like cars were nuclear power is not practical. But Greenpeace says no you must starve and mankind must return to the stone age

Date of experience: December 25, 2022
New York
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My mother has dementia and has fallen into the trap of being on the "sucker list" of thousands of charities. She has been giving ever-increasing amounts of money to an ever-growing list of these charities. Starting in May of 2021, we have been contacting these charities and asking them to cease and desist from sending my mother these mailing begging for more and more money. Most of the charities have ceased these mailings, but a few are absolutely relentless.

Greenpeace is among the worst of these offenders. I have been writing to these vile people for over 2 years, telling them to STOP these mailings. They ignore everything, and keep regularly sending my mother more crap, in hopes of squeezing more money out of her. People who prey on the elderly and disabled are the very worst kinds of people.

Greenpeace has been one of the most aggressive and egregious of the charities pursuing my mother for larger and larger donations. I sent then a letter and an email in May, 2021, explaining the situation and asking them to stop the mailings. Most of the more responsible charities responded positively, and agreed to stop the mailings. Not these people - they completely ignored both my letter and my email, and they continued to send regular begging mailings, usually asking for ever-larger amounts, as well as asking her to put them in her will.

As a son with a POA, looking out for my mother's welfare, I intercept most of the mailings these people send to my mother. All of it gets mailed back to them, telling them yet again to stop the mailings. All of gets ignored, and the mailings still continue unabated over two years later.

Date of experience: May 24, 2023
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Scam! Avoid!
November 22, 2023

They tell you they are just gonna do a one time donation from your bank account. But just continue to draft money from your bank for months.

Date of experience: November 22, 2023