This site does not back up their claims with real scientific evidence. ALL of the products I have seen reviewed do not base their claims on fact-the only redeeming quality of the site is that you can see that the site uses "limited" or "non-existent" data (but rates the products anyway) if you look closely enough.
I have used this site a lot for their ratings of sunscreens, cosmetics and toiletries. They rate the safety of products and down-rate companies that don't adequately disclose ingredients. They also have information on a lot of other issues such as food safety. This is a really helpful site if you have concerns about health and environment.
Now I can FINALLY know what's in cosmetics not listed with ALL the ingredients. I've got 3 kinds of plastics in my blood creating havoc and it's been shocking looking for the culprits, which is ALMOST anything not coming from the "health food" store - shampoo, conditioner, liquid soap, lotions, mousse, makeup and on and on. This source has saved me a boatload of time because I was having to actually call manufacturers (you rarely get emails answered) because they don't have to list the crazy number of plasticizers and chemicals separately. I just wish I'd found this site long ago.
This web site reviews mobile phones by manufacturer and carrier, to provide you with YOUR phones "SARS" ratings (levels of radiation you are exposed to when phone is against your ear).
I'm certain you'll get a variety of responses when discussing things like dangers of mobile phone radiation and it's effects. But there seems to be enough involved to keep the manufacturers busy trying to LOWER their phone's SARS ratings.
WHEN YOU get to the EWG web site, front page, to your right, you'll see a box saying, "TAKE ACTION". Immediately below is a blue LINK reading "Cell Phone Radiation". Clicking that will take you to a page where the WORST and BEST rated phones are detailed. You can enter YOUR phone's info, carrier, and get a diagrammed rating showing how your device compares to others, and where it falls between least harmful and most.
You can pretty much find every cosmetic ingredient and thank goodness there are people who spend time creating this wonderful resource. Very useful!