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Found this site thanks to a review on Sitejabber and plan to use it to send a couple friends some Java. I think this site should be publicized more so everyone can do their small part to make the lives of our soldiers a little more palatable!

Date of experience: May 19, 2010
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This coffee is one of my favorites. It is strong but it has a pleasant aftertaste and a bracing scent. I recommend this coffee to all of my friends and it also saved me a lot of times when I was a student :)

Date of experience: October 2, 2019
72 reviews
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This is a pretty cool site where you can "Give a cop of Joe, to a Joe" meaning that you can join and you can adopt a US soldier and the company will send him a gift cards to purchase coffee, Iced mocha's and things like that being as they are set up over there with them on their bases and that. It's like the military version of Starbucks.

You can send them care packages and things like backpacks for injured soldiers that start at $11 and your soldier is yours until he or she is deployed. In fact some of the soldiers have talked about when they were injured their uniforms were cut off them and they had no toiletries and the like and were grateful that people had sent these back packs in and it was a great comfort to them. It's a great way to show them we've not forgotten them.

Read some of the soldier comments on the site. If you can't afford anything along those lines then you can simply write to them and try to help them through their time away from home. Their motto is "No Soldier should ever feel unloved" and I agree. There are a lot of ways to get involved and if you have a loved one overseas then you can sign them up on this site too.

Show our troops that you still support them and haven't forgotten them. I'm sure they can use the kind words.

Date of experience: May 10, 2010