The Captain's Coffee
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I've always been a bit curious about roasting my own coffee beans. I finally decided to take the plunge last week. This site assisted me greatly and educated me on ordering and roasting my own beans. It has a learning center tab that educates you on what, when, where and why's on green coffee beans.
Of course they make money on selling raw coffee beans and equipment for roasting and brewing. There is plenty of free information to be learned here too. I must say I really just got into it to see for myself if it could be done and if it really makes a superior cup of coffee. I ordered 4 different beans...

1 Ecuador Palanda APECAP Organic Fair Trade EAPECAP
1 Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Negele Gorbitu Organic Fair Trade EY1
1 Flores Bajawa Ngura Organic FBN
1 Sumatra Mandheling Bies Utama GR1 TP OFT SM

I also tried ordering some Costa Rican and Hawaiian but they were out of stock. I got the beans in 3 days (priority mail). No errors on the credit card charges. I also got a hand written thank you letter from them. WOW that's rare and it made me feel all warm inside like the time I ate a half pound bag of peanut m&m's. They have coffee from all over the world and they only sell Arabica beans which is what I expected. Not a Busta bean in sight!

Read on to see my personal fling with roasting...

They included a free sample bag of coffee that I didn't order which I used first for practice. It was a medium-dark roast type of bean so I roasted it for about 11 to 12 minutes and it came out like Peet's dark roast coffee to me. Next I tried the Ethiopia Yirgacheffe Negele Gorbitu which I did in 6 minutes which was not long enough and tasted way to fruity and less like coffee. I ended up throwing it in the trash. I tried again for 9 minutes and it came out really smooth. They recommended waiting a day after roasting so I did. I have not tried the other beans yet. After this experience I can really appreciate my cup of Joe after roasting, chaffing, grinding and brewing my own beans. All I can say now is been there done that. I will come back to this review in a month or so when I perfect my coffee roasting temps and times. I will edit it and tell you what I think is the perfect cup.

Date of experience: January 21, 2014