Florida Eye Microsurgical Institute

Florida Eye Microsurgical Institute

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While the medical service rendered was excellent, the representations made about the cost at the time I made my appointment were more like the used car business. At the time I made my appointment, I Asked what the cost would be for a standard comprehensive exam. The response was $300 without any qualifications. This made sense to me as the procedures they would do are a standard routine of exams. The bill comes and its $412! I call billing and they try to explain it by invoking the insurance mumbo-jumbo routine and profuse apologies but refuse to modify the bill in any way. So the bottom line is, while the medical care at Florida Eye Microsurgical Institute is excellent, their business practices are more like a crummy used car dealer. If I were a doctor there, I would be ashamed.

Date of experience: April 21, 2016
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Dr. Katz performed laser surgery, and now I can see people's faces without glasses or my contacts. I forgot about that issue and didn't see anything blurred anymore. Finally, saw the faces of my friends without wearing glasses.

Date of experience: November 15, 2022
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My dad was one of those men who walk around in denial that they can see just fine. Turns out he was legally blind. His cataracts were very dense and difficult. Special thanks to Dr. Barry Schechter, Dr. Randy Katz and Dr. Joseph Nezgoda for taking care of my dad and making the roads safe again for everyone (ha!), and, also thanks for taking such great care of my mom. She doesn't even need glasses anymore!

Date of experience: August 23, 2016
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September 8, 2016

I have been seeing Dr. Katz for awhile now, and can't say enough about him, and the staff. He goes above and beyond to do whatever is needed to help, and the office staff is over the top professional and beyond helpful.

Date of experience: September 8, 2016
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Florida Eye Micro surgical Institute 1717 W Boynton Beach, The office of doctors,
Dr. Lee S. Friedman, Dr. Jason J. Gorscak, Dr. Randy S. Katz, and Dr. Barry A. Schechter.

My experience with The OFFICE Manager Derek I feel his actions displayed very RUDE and Vindictive, the insurance company didn't pay $150 dollar bill. I called the insurance company and It was explained to me that it was returned to the doctor's office for correction and they didn't submit it back in a timely fashion. My son's appointments was being cancelled out of the system with out notifying me. The Insurance company called the doctors office to speak with Derek when she advised him the reason for the telephone call he replied Oh No Not Her Again! Yes, words from the office manager Derek), he didn't give her a chance to tell him that I was on the telephone. This same Office Manager said you_____ need to pay your bills. T insurance company paid the $150 dollar bill I tried to contact Dr. Lee S. Friedman in more ways then one to no avail did he return my telephone calls. This makes you wonder does doctor's value there patients. Be aware.

Date of experience: February 24, 2015