I'm happy with enjin for my minecraft server website, really good powerful tools which makes managing my community easy. Alot of customizing abilities too. So many friendly people in the community too to help out when you first get started.
There's so much wrong with Enjin, I don't even know where to start. First off, when you host a website with them, you do not own or have control over your data. As soon as your plan expires, they'll lock you out of your data unless you pay them for another month. And they have the right to do so as part of their user agreement, even though it's an outrageous practice.
Now let's talk design. You are very limited on how you can make your site look with them. You cannot go in and design it your own way using proper CSS and HTML5. You can however have modules and execute certain scripts inside of them. However, using them this way is frowned on! I had a simple Javascript slideshow made from scratch for my website and I receive an email the next day saying they took it down... what is even the point of modules if you cannot customize them your own way?
And don't even get me started on their API updates. I can't tell you how many times I would log in one day to find my website a complete mess because they pushed something without first testing it or notifying anyone, so thanks for that, Enjin.
As for their support, I had the "Ultimate Plan", a $30/month plan mind you, and whenever I contacted them regarding something catastrophic such as an API update breaking my site or a plugin crashing my game server, I wouldn't usually hear from them until weeks later.
Tl; dr,
If you know nothing about web design and need something that works sometimes, Enjin is right for you, assuming you haven't tried wordpress first.
If you're like me and don't want to shell out $30/month for a broken website when you could use WAMP Server on your VPS, then Enjin is not for you.