I am still fairly new with this brand and these products, but I have nothing but good things to say. Absolutely love everything I have ordered so far which includes body butter, belly butter, hand lotion, chap sticks, and a face cream. They feel absolutely amazing on my skin and love the fact that for some products there are scent less options, but what does have a scent is very nice smelling and not a perfume smell. A nice natural ingredient smell. I do not see myself not using these products for the foreseeable future!
Great product and great customer service. When I got my package it has been tampered with during shipping I notified them of this and they said in the 7 years this had never happened. Alexis promptly sent another package. Thank you!
It's the only thing I have used on all 3 of my kids. Even the nurses at the hospital were surprised how well it worked at protecting babies skin with those first few baby solids. And as my kids get old I even used it for cuts and scratches because it heals them so fast and better than anything else I have found. Highly recommend this product!
Supporting Eco Chic Movement is a no-brainer for me. I love that the products are created by a naturopathic doctor who specializes in infant skin, and uses only the best ingredients. It's a challenge to find quality skin products for baby that are formulated without any hidden nasties, and these products leave me with peace of mind. The belly butter is also fantastic and leaves my stretching skin feeling comfortable, moisturized, nourished, and happy (so thankful for something that actually stops the itching). If you haven't tried any products from Eco Chic Movement, I would highly recommend that you do!
Great product, natural and safe ingredients, excellent costumer service and fast shipping, i use it afer each diaper change and any problem from day 1 to my 3 months baby... i will order again, thank you very much,..
Great products! Everything I have tried has clearly been created with care and a wealth of knowledge. I'm looking forward to the smiles on my daughters faces when they find their new body butter in their stockings
I cannot believe their are zero toxins in this! Eco chic movement you never fail to amaze! I simply want the entire product collection for my home, keeping me and my babies safe
I have used the skin conditioning cream and could not live without the bum salve since my son was born. Made for babies but great on adults too! Love the chest rub as well!
We love the skin conditions (eczema) cream for our baby's sensitive skin. Along with some other natural and dietary measures, it helps us manage his eczema well!
It's also a bonus that shopping on the eco chic movement site is so convenient and easy. We look forward to ordering again!
My son this winter had eczema all over his body. With him being only 4 months old I wanted a natural product that was safe on his delicate skin. I tried numerous solutions and found they helped but would dry out his skin. The skin condition cream worked great on him! Not only did I see his skin improving within a few days but it also returned his soft skin back. I have been using the cream less than a week and I am very satisfied with the results! Ill be stocking up for next winter to be proactive and have informed friends and family whos kids suffer from eczema as well. Thank you!
Eco Chic Movement has a rating of 3.3 stars from 155 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Reviewers satisfied with Eco Chic Movement most frequently mention diaper cream, body butter and customer service. Eco Chic Movement ranks 17th among Skin Care sites.