Social networking for kids who have a nintendo DS. The best part of the site is that kids can only use pre-approved words online so they can't really communicate with each other and online predators can't harass them. For example, it is impossible for your child to inadvertently give away his address or phone number. But the down side of this site is it is disney owned, so about after an hour your child will be asking you for the latest and greatest disney game. Today for example, they have ads for clubpenguin and now my child is begging for that as his next game.
I like the Disneyland adventures game. It has always been my dream to go there when I was 5. We planned to go there on a holiday but *sigh* lockdown. I play this game whenever I dream about visiting there. My mom went there on a business trip lol. Whenever I play it, I'm always magical. I really love fantasy stuff. So magical.
Thanks to your service I and my younger brother, can play these games, especially in terms of the COVID-19 pandemic. It's great simply to sit at a comfy place and enjoy playing.
I was 4 years old when I saw this game with my mom while my siblings were at camp my mom asked "Do you want it?" I shook my head yes and I cry every time I think of that memory it changed my life and I cry of what I did in the game and I want to see the Disney infinity games continue or remaster the old games and continue because I want relive this unforgettable moment that will effect me positvely for the rest of my life.
Its a very interesting and cool site. My nephew enjoys playing games here and he is so addicted to it. Everything Disney.