I witnessed something that had concerned me and I was very worried about reporting it at the time due to fear and possible repercussions. After worrying about it all night I decided the following morning to contact Crimestoppers to report anonymously and even then I was worried. The person on the other end of the phone was in on way interested in my concern or worry and simply responded by saying "why didn't you report it to the police, there's nothing we can do about it now"... I tried to explain my concern, to which he just said "call the police but they can't do anything now'. The lack of empathy and professionalism floored me! The call was no longer than 30 secs. Surely not everyone who has witnessed a potential crime reports it straight away; fear of reprisals is a reality for many; I'm truly disappointed by the response I received and would never call them again - no help at all!
Tried to report a crime, I stutter and couldn't get words out for what I needed to say.
Rude call handler went straight over my conversation in a bid to get me off the phone.
Will never call back again.
Report Crimes Anonymously UK
Crimestoppers is a simple but effective idea, helping in the fight against crime. Sadly, many people who are in the position to report on criminal activities are scared of doing so in case they might be identified. Crimestoppers helps solve this dilemma.
Anyone in the UK can now call a freephone number, 0800 555 111. The call is not traced and they are happy for you to use the 141 call number trace blocking service before you call them. You will be answered by a volunteer who will only ask questions about the crime – not about yourself. The calls are not recorded. Because it is a freephone number, it will not show up on any landline bill or standard mobile phone bill.
If you are in a dangerous personal position and fear your phone may be checked, make sure to erase the phone call from your 'last numbers called' memory on your landline or mobile (cell) phone.
The website http://www.crimestoppers-uk.org has an anonymous online information report which is encrypted to help prevent the submission being traced. If you are scared about your computer being checked for traces to Crimestoppers, it might be wise to delete your history and clear all browsing data from the computer as well, just to be on the safe side.
Crimestoppers was set up to enable people to report crimes and criminals completely anonymously, without any direct interaction with the police. Crimestoppers make sure that the information is completely sanitised of any connection to the caller, and then submit the report to the police or other appropriate authorities.
If the information given Crimestoppers leads to an arrest and criminal charges, the person who called Crimestoppers may receive a cash award, again, totally anonymously, by means of a code to be given to a local bank.
Crimestoppers is NOT an emergency response number - for that people should still call 999 in the UK.
The Crimestoppers website gives many other links and contacts which may also be useful. It explains what Crimestoppers can and cannot do.
Crimestoppers is a registered charity, and now handles all call information for the UK TV real crime series 'Crimewatch'. Information submitted to Crimestoppers has proved effective in solving many crimes and the arrest and conviction of numerous criminals. Good idea.