Cricket Wireless

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Dishonest dealings
December 28, 2024

When I purchased my iphone 13 and service from cricket I was told the price of the phone would be $680. A month later I get an email from someone called Progressive Leasing, which I never heard of telling me I now owe $1700.00 as they have taken over what I owe on the phone. Cricket used deceptive practices and this is nothing but a scam

Date of experience: December 28, 2024
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No sales department
December 18, 2024

There is no sales department phone number. When you call the phone number for sales listed on their website, it's not sales it's just regular old customer service. The reps are so poorly trained that the first rep told me not to press anything at the beginning of the call to be able to get the sales department, that is impossible because if you don't say yes or press the number one their line will hang up on you. The second rep said I had to say yes or press number one to get sales, Which is exactly what I did. Gaslight City. How do they stay in business being so poorly functioning? Makes no sense.

Date of experience: December 18, 2024
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Cricket wireless in Angola, IN failed to reimburse me for an account I never used. I was still in the store and hadn't used the new phone yet. The clerk had not asked me if I wanted to keep my own number before she set it up in the system. I explained that if I couldn't keep my number, I didn't want the phone. The store manager was very rude and said that I had to pay for phone line anyway. In the end they kept $60 of my money. They are not trustworthy enough to keep my business.

Date of experience: November 17, 2024
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Buyer Beware
November 4, 2024

We added a line to our Cricket account and were charged an additional $8 to the $25 line. When we questioned the charge, the representative said it was for a protection feature that we never discussed, and I never asked for. Then, on reviewing my bill, I found an additional $8 charge for a line I added over a year ago. Again, it was a protection feature I never wanted or asked for. When I contacted the corporate company, they were sorry but would do nothing and told me to take it up with the local store. Cricket charged me twice for a feature I never asked for or consented to, and I caught them in the act. But, there is no refund for a year of charges. Buyer beware.

Date of experience: November 4, 2024
South Carolina
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I haven't cried out of shear frustration in years but tonight after 2 hours of trying to get help from cricket chats I'm losing it. All I wanted to do was pay them to add one Gig to my service for the month. Hurricane Helene wiped out my town's internet so I can't watch TV or use my phone because having no wifi burned up my data in 3 days. It took about 2 hours and many customer service chats to get a very SIMPLE payment accomplished. I'm switching to consumer cellular

Date of experience: October 13, 2024
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Gonna cut to the chase. Paying for coverage on cracked screen.8 bucks a month. Told 29 bucks to fix same day in most cases. Neither is accurate and I'm pissed. It's been over 2 weeks since this occurred and my next step is to go on every review to let people know that they suck.

Date of experience: March 16, 2024
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I have had cricket for over a year. No Matter where I am at around 10 pm I lose my internet now my phone only will do emergency calls. There customer service people are a joke.
" I will reset you network connection. We will no longer be on this call,make sure to power your phone off for 30 min". That's the standard line to get out of the call.

Date of experience: February 22, 2024
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No data service
February 10, 2024

I've been with cricket since 2016 and every year their data availability has been going down and down this year. We decided to get new 5G phones so it would be better. It's actually made it worse. Do not use them. I've heard the area where I live in everyone is complaining.

Date of experience: February 10, 2024
New York
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No service
February 22, 2024

My iPhone 11, iOS version 17.3.1 which I updated today, which was supposed to be scheduled to update overnight, refuses to give me cellular data access to my Cricket network plan. My cellular plan is on and not roaming, I need my cellular connection plan for work and I cannot do anything since I need my cellular data, everything is paid for, nothing is wrong with my cellular plan. I am a very eye rate customer and this happened twice today! Please find a solution or I am switching to Verizon! I will make everyone know what you guys are up to as well my job is on the line!

Date of experience: February 22, 2024
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Cricket service
February 9, 2024

Cricket is the biggest piece of $#*!! Service sucks. I bought a new phone from them and it's not a new phone. It's someone else's junk they turned in. My phone just goes to calling or doing whatever it wants when it wants. Embarrassing. Oh and to type this review I had to give it a state. Bull$#*!

Date of experience: February 9, 2024


Cricket Wireless has a rating of 1.5 stars from 390 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Reviewers dissatisfied with Cricket Wireless most frequently mention customer service, new phone and sim card. Cricket Wireless ranks 140th among Mobile Carriers sites.
