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Let's face it, sometimes we just crave board games that aren't in stock locally and we must have them. Boardgamebliss is the answer to this problem... they have a huge variety online, I've ordered multiple times and I've always been rewarded with excellent quality, fast shipping and never a mistake... never ever on any order. It's actually super impressive, I love this company and I really suggest you give them a try.

Date of experience: September 27, 2018
3 reviews
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I was in a pickle. I really wanted the game Chinatown because it was the perfect game to play either at work (a bar) or with family. Problem was, it was hard to find anywhere and any online store that had them was trying to charge exorbitant prices along the lines of $70 or $80 minimum when it's a $50 retail game. This is when I discovered Board Game Bliss. They had it at a reasonable price and they were willing to ship from Canada to the US, which I might have unreasonably expected wouldn't be possible. I ended up paying what equates to $43 USD for an amazing game, and that's including shipping. (Because I paid in CAD) Their service was great, and everything went perfectly smoothly. I'm hearing as of yesterday about a Canadian Kickstarter game that will be fulfilling within the next two months and I'm very much hoping to buy it from them when it does. (They already had an option on their site to be notified when it's in stock.) Truly worth looking at and the only board game retailer for which I am subscribed to a newsletter.

Date of experience: April 13, 2021