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The Bank of my choice
August 20, 2015

When I have had a good experience I love to tell it without reservation. I know it is easier to talk about the bad more than the good but I love to do the opposite.

I had the experience of opening a Bank account with the Bank of New York a few years ago. It was a temporary account since I was only working for a few months and then I would return home. But my experiences with the bank was satisfactory.

One thing I love about the employees at the branch in Long Island is than they were very friendly and helpful. The bank was never full because they worked diligently and quickly. I had an experience once at the branch or was it the head office in New York city. I went to withdraw some cash and I did not remember my card and it was left all the way at home in Long Island. When I approached the teller she said I needed my ID in order to get the cash that I needed. I had no ID with me, she wanted to assist me so badly that she asked me if I had anything in my possession with my name printed on it. I had my country's National Insurance card with my name on it and she accepted that. I thought that was customer service that exceeded expectation and she deserved a medal for that. That was awesome.

On my departure I went to my bank, where I opened my account to ask for a cheque, since I was leaving and I wanted to close the account. I was given a cheque but, I then changed my mind and wanted cash instead, this was over six thousand US dollars. I was worried that they would have a problem changing from cheque to cash to my amazement the teller just said, "no problem", tore the cheque up and gave me the cash. Without being upset. So easy, what would have been a difficult task for many.

Overall I enjoyed my experience with the Bank of New York and if I have to do business with them again, it would be without hesitation. Hope they are still in business.

Date of experience: August 19, 2015