Cowardly disrespectfully writing about a recently deceased, judging knowledge and skills by pictures and sharing that as a proof, without personal experience. I don't say his writing partly or fully untrue but how it was delivered it's saddening. Shame people like writer at Bloody elbow can be called blogger or author.
There are better MMA sites out there. The admins on bloody elbow all seem to have agendas revolving around getting credentials at UFC events (they have written posts as to why they should get press passes and are not hesitant to say they want to make a living doing this) and manipulate conversations by deleting comments and banning people who don't toe the party line. I myself was warned and had comments deleted for saying Fedor to Strikeforce was good for the sport (on the premise that competition is good for fighters). If youre passionate about mma and want to get in on an open minded discussion, look elsewhere.