If you are a buyer looking for business, this may work for you. But if you are a seller or you are a brokerage advertising your listings. THIS SUCKS! Their customer service is horrible. Price is high. The worst part is that they mess up you Ads all the time!
One minute the posting title is gone. Then the content has crazy format. Things look very unprofessional.
My main reason for writing this is to warn people about Steve Fitzgerald & let them know it's not wise to do business with this man. He & his wife were friends of mine who rented my house for half the market value. When the lease ended & i wanted the house back they refused to leave & i had to fly from my home in Australia to San Diego twice to take them to court to get them out. They had only heresay lies that i said they could stay indefinately on dirt cheap rent while i had a lease, an email & a reminder 30 days before lease ended so naturally i won this case on June 9th, Stewart verses Fitzgerald which is a matter of publice record. I won immediate posession, back rent, electricity bills & legal costs. My judgement was due July 9th & these scumbags have refused to pay me. These people were so called friends of mine so if they'll lie, cheat & steal from me, imagine what he'll do to you, a stranger, in any business dealing you may have with his company Aquistion Services Group. Steer clear of this guy at all costs!
Answer: I would highly recommend people to steer clear of Steve Fitzgerald, Aquistion Services Group. I rented my house to him & his wife (who were friends of mine) for half market value rent. When i wanted the house back at the end of the lease they refused to leave & it took me 2 trips from my home in Australia to San Diego to get them to court & get them out. I won this case because i had a lease, an email & a reminder sent 30 days before the end of lease & they had nothing but heresay lies. I also won costs which were due July 9th & so far they have refused to pay me. This is all on public record, Stewart v Fitzgerald June 9th 2010. If this guy would do this to a friend if i were you i certainly wouldn't trust him to do business with. Think very hard before you do business with Steve Fitzgerald or Aquistion Services Group.