I will not donate to the the charity as they pay too much to the CEO and the administrators the pet could use this money. We would be better served by spending less on administration and more on the pets!
All the aspca cares about is money.it is so sad the aspca.is stealing money.from people they don't care about animals they just want money.
There are no animals available in North Carolina to adopt from ASPCA This means they are not active in this area animal rescue. If you are in North Carolina don't give anything to them but give to local animal rescue organizations like Human Society.
I will never donate to them, on there advertisements they show how they rescue these poor animals, but in reality they don't, if you want to donate local shelter or a local rescue, I donate to Mission K9 rescue which is based in in Texas they rescue all the dogs that where left in Afghanistan and take care of them for the rest of their lives their are military dogs.
ASPCA Pet Insurance is a SCAM! Beware, they WILL charge you for YEARS when they know you are missing a paper that would allow you to get ANY compensation under this policy! So they have no problem charging you for the policy and coverage they did NOT provide, and you'll learn it when it's too late, when you've paid for years and your pet is sick... I'll be taking it up not only with my bank as a SCAM, but also with a lawyer. Immoral dirty crooks... You don't expect it from ASPCA... This is your warning! Go with Healthy Paws instead!
I would love to rescue any of these animals but what makes me angry is that you never say what is done to those that cause this abuse. And you film these animals but I don't see these animals getting help. Empty water dishes.give them water. In the heat.give them shade. Very pathetic. Change your commercials and I'll consider.
You put starving dogs in cruel situations to plead for our money. Your profits went from $85 mil to $280 million. Perhaps your so called nonprofit should not pay your CEO and other upper staff such high wages. That way you could actually help those dogs & cats and not use the money to line your pockets!
I've submitted two claims to ASPCA for a puppy in two months. We pay $55/month for the insurance and it has been a nightmare to get even a $1 reimbursement. I would definitely not recommend this pet insurance company.
I find the commercials insulting. Although I do believe animals are abused and neglected, I see nothing of the positive when these animals are supposedly rescued. It is way over kill and I'd like to see everyone else's paycheck for physically attending to these animals. I doubt anyone running this operation does anything hands on. I'd give locally and check in.
I have contacted the aspca 2 times in the last 3 years and 2 dog are still at a abandon house. One is chained to a tree with no shelter( and his circle around the tree is getting smaller and smaller) the other dog is in a 5x5 pin and living in a rusty 55 gal drum. The grass in the yard is waist high and the house is has not been lived in at least the last three years. The owner comes by once a week and throws dog food out on the ground the water is rain water. They are out there rain or shine (and now it's over 100 degrees) it went down to below 0 and the dod at the tree curled up and was buried under the snow.when i called the aspca they said to call animal control ( animal control said call the sheriff, the sheriff went by and said the owner says there just animals and nothing he could do) but aspca spent more time with me on the phone trying to get me to donate and they'll sent me a tee shirt.i feel that after the second call for help I realize they quickly pass the buck, don't give a dam about these animals, put on a beautiful heart warming commercial, and just want you to buy that tee shirt. Mean while don't worry about those dogs they will eventually will die out in the weather. SAD,SO SAD
ASPCA has a rating of 1.3 stars from 49 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. ASPCA ranks 38th among Animal Rights sites.