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Michael Brown is a Jewish Christian, and he has a radio show and writes several columns a week. I think he's sincere about wanting to speak the truth about the gospel and political matters.

Unfortunately, he should stick to what he's good at. He excels at defending the faith and discussing scholarly matters (since his Ph. D. is in linguistics, I believe). But his political commentary is mostly inept. After over a month's worth of shocking evidence, he STILL doesn't seem to be completely convinced that fraud occurred in the U.S. presidential election! And he gullibly seems to believe that Dr. Anthony Fauci is honest and trustworthy. He also thought that Mitt Romney was sincere in voting for Trump's impeachment. In a nutshell, Brown seems incredibly naive, and completely lacking in common sense and discernment.

If all that weren't enough, he also seems to have a huge ego. On both his Web site and his social-media accounts, he seems to love referring to himself as DOCTOR. However, Jesus gave stern warnings about referring to oneself with titles (see Matthew 23:10).

And worst of all, Brown lives in a 6,000-square-foot house, yet asks for DONATIONS on his Web site. How hypocritical is that? Besides being sinfully extravagant, his huge house also backs up the idea that he has a huge ego. Apparently with Michael Brown, MONEY talks!

Anyway, some of his stuff is worth reading, but sadly, most of his "political commentary" is a joke. So, if you do choose to read his articles, just use great caution and discernment—and don't swallow everything he says whole.

Date of experience: December 8, 2020