Association For Progressive Communications

Association For Progressive Communications

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APC is one of the oldest of the internet do-gooders, still campaigning to bring the benefits of the internet to the millions currently unconnected due to, amongst other things, poverty, politics, commercial greed, and the availability of cheap and reliable technology. In order to do so, they must tackle the many problems which accompany the growth of any new medium, and yes, it is a new medium for many even though white, English-speaking Americans may regard it as old hat.

I recall reading, many years ago now, some western sources referring to the online world as if there were no other, an observation that may have coincided with the last homeowners on their particular blocks of suburbia getting their modems. The lack of concern over bringing the internet to what was once called "the third world" and then "the developing world" and now "emerging markets" goes back a long, long time. And it's this issue which is the primary concern of the APC, which has also become involved in minority rights and gender politics and others of the broader issues involved in making sure that connectivity brings equality to all.

So, this is not merely some internet regulatory body focused on the spread of technology; it is unavoidably enmeshed in the politics of freedom, monitoring and exposing the misuses of emerging technology as well as seeking to bring that technology to all. Yep, another bunch of left-wing liberal loonies. But wait, isn't that what we need, more than ever now that conservative commercial and political interests continually seek to restrict our rights? Fortunately I'm writing this so I don't have to answer that one, myself. You decide.

There's a great deal of information here, and it covers worldwide issues, many of which are likely to be new to you. If you have any serious interest in learning about the way that internet communications is developing, or taking part in helping to steer it, this is well worth a bookmark.

Bringing the web to the unconnected and making sure they don't suffer as a result sounds simple enough, but let's be honest, it's likely to result in thousands of African tribesmen wearing Chinese knock-off Ugg boots and Rolex watches, not to mention the emerging market in the Australian outback for tooth-whitening colon-cleansing acai drinks. As with the development of the railways, the medium itself is neither good nor bad, but it's capable of bringing both.

Date of experience: April 9, 2011