Moon Magic
Questions & Answers

Is Moon Magic a scam or a legit company?

Asked by Stephen C. on 7/7/2019

25 Answers
suzanne v.8/14/2019

ITS 100% scam![]( =x)
Steph v.7/7/2019

If you like paying through the nose for crappy $2 shop quality then it's legitimate. If you like to get what you pay for it's a scam
Gabriella R.10/19/2019

It is 100% a scam. I have ordered a ring and never got it and they refuse to give me a refund. Do not believe all you see on their website, Instagram and Facebook it's all fake and they delete every comment they do not like.
Lymari A.1/21/2020

Scam. The comments and reviews are all fake. They delete what they don't like.
S W.1/4/2020

It is a scam. Bad products that look nothing like the photo, fake reviews.
Margarita K.10/8/2019

It's a scam. I never received my order but was only fed "please wait some more. We'll ship it to you soon"
Carolin B.9/8/2019

Unfortunately just scam. You will never receive the parcel and they say you'll get a refund once the parcel returns, which never happens... also no tracking for the return available.
Krystal H.5/21/2021

Umm, I have to say I'm shocked by the amount of people claiming this company is a scam. I've been shopping at moon magic for over a year and I too was once uneducated and didn't know how to care for jewelry. In the first week or so if wear I noticed tarnish and I was super bummed, but their website explains in detail that this is normal and REMOVABLE. All it took was an hour soak in some scent free dish detergent and voila, no more tarnish. I clean them once weekly now and they still look brand new.
Sonja B.3/18/2020

Hello Tom,

Thank you for your question. We are giving our best to satisfy every customer but unfortunately, this is not always possible. You can take a look at our reviews on the internet and read many stories from our happy customers.

Best regards,
Moon Magic
Terri P.1/23/2020

Moon Magic is a big SCAM. They're pulling a bait-and-switch on me.

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