Which staff should I avoid? Im Autistic&struggle w/ speaking&Im scared if I said something that came off as rude by mistake they would attack&ban me..
Asked by H H. on 2/20/2019
7 Answers
B H.9/30/2019
I have Aspergers and when I explained this to staff members who have attacked me over things I've said which they misinterpreted, and tried to explain what I really meant, I was basically told "tough luck" because what they say goes and their personal interpretation of what you say is the only meaning they will accept. It's happened to a few other Autistic Hexians as well from what I've heard. So, in all honesty? Avoid the bigger global mods and staff members/admins where you can because otherwise you might regret it if one of them reads you wrong and doesn't care to ask you for clarification. It's not worth the trouble. 95% of the regular users are very nice and understanding about the Autism spectrum though so don't shy away from talking about it if you need to.
Jen H.7/23/2020
Honestly, if you follow the hex rules, you're fine. Don't attack anyone, don't use disallowed words, don't shame anyone...
If there's ever a question of whether something you want to say is "shaming" or "attacking" someone, owl a global moderator or staff member stating something like: I want to say this, but want to make sure I'm not breaking terms. (insert your planned statement).
That way you know you're following terms, and can still say what you're wanting to say. Gmod+ people can help you reword things to make sure you're following terms.
If there's ever a question of whether something you want to say is "shaming" or "attacking" someone, owl a global moderator or staff member stating something like: I want to say this, but want to make sure I'm not breaking terms. (insert your planned statement).
That way you know you're following terms, and can still say what you're wanting to say. Gmod+ people can help you reword things to make sure you're following terms.
Mordecai B.6/13/2020
Jusr avoid the site as a whole. You'll be accused of trying to be allowed to break rules. They probably hate autistic people from what I believe.
A S.7/25/2020
I asked some people about this and you don't need to avoid anybody specific. But if you say anything "controversial" definitely preface it with a mention that you have autism and need a little more patience and understanding in case they misunderstand you. I've heard a lot from friends about staff and mods being ruder than usual to people with autism, but it doesn't seem intentional IMO and it's not a situation where you would need to avoid staff as a whole. Just a word to the wise, if they ARE rude to you, don't expect an apology. One of the main things I've heard is that staff never apologizes to individual users when they hurt them, so be prepared for that so you won't be let down.
a d.9/19/2019
Don't worry about needing to avoid staff. Also, staff are held to the same rules as everyone else - so feel free to report any behavior (even from staff) that is rude or could be considered bullying/discrimination.
Bruce A.8/2/2019
You do not need to avoid anyone - that's BS. Staff are very understanding and helpful, although it may be a decent idea to include the statement that Morgana recommended on your RB.
M M.4/20/2019
Avoid all senior and junior staff along with global moderators. There are some good forum and sub forum moderators who are more understanding. I would suggest putting "Please be patient with me, I have ASD and struggle with socializing." on the random burst under your picture. That should help a lot more with all of the mods.
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