Questions & Answers

It's extremely obvious that theres 2 different people spamming 100% positive and 100% negative reviews here. How am I supposed to know who to believe?

Asked by A S. on 7/25/2020

7 Answers
Susan B.7/25/2020

If the negative reviews are all around the same time, and all have similar spelling/grammatical issues, they're from the same butt-hurt people who got banned for rule-breaking and are now salty.
Ae T.7/25/2020

Take ALL reviews with a grain of salt. Especially those from the past month/month-and-a-half. Yes, many of the negative ones that solely insult staff - especially ones they expose by name - are 'butt-hurt' people who are lashing out because they broke rules and got into trouble. But quite a lot bring up very valid criticisms (I am not personally affected or involved in any of the most recent 'drama' so I'm impartial here, but I've watched all of it unfold over the past year and taken part in some mod-level discussions). The recent influx of positive reviews were coordinated by a particular group - some of whom I'm friends with, so they can't claim I'm lying LOL - seeking to speak over those affected by real issues and dismiss all of them to make HEX seem like a flawless site; which is JUST as unhealthy and harmful as the negative reviews that make it out to be the worst site in existence. It's a great place with mostly great people and I love it there, and I disagree with a lot of the attacks that have happened in many negative reviews - but it undoubtedly does have HUGE issues still to address that should not be overshadowed or reduced down to silly people just being 'butt-hurt,' 'dramatic,' or 'oversensitive'. Agree with the criticisms of things going on, but not the ones that just attack staff's characters, and not ones that can't give any constructive criticism either. Just explore the site yourself, speak to people who are actually being impacted on a daily basis by what the reviews mention, and form your own judgment - question everything and know that neither extreme is 100% right:-)
Salonina M.7/25/2020

Try the site out for yourself, get to know people, and return here to explain your findings whether positive, neutral, or negative.
Brandon A.7/26/2020

I would be inclined to believe the potential victims, personally... they have a lot to lose and nothing to gain from highlighting what's been going on. Obviously check things out on the site and talk with users who are actually affected to get a balanced view, but I personally don't really trust those who are coming out of the woodwork just now to suddenly give Hex 5 star reviews, considering all the horrible things that have happened re: homophobia, transphobia, and sexual harassment in recent times... seems like suspiciously convenient timing to silence people again.
Jordan R.7/25/2020

I'm sure this isn't exactly the response you're looking for but I just feel that the best explanation for the varying reviews is that everyone has different experiences with HEX. Many have different experiences with many websites such as facebook, Instagram, etc. As you can see, many of us who left reviews have had a wonderful experience with the website. There are also some who did not and that's due to various reasons, such as rule-breaking or being disgruntled over something going on on the website. I think, to some extent, most reviews are believable due to each of us having different experiences. On the site, I know I have friends who are happy with everything and some who aren't. So I can only recommend to read the reviews. Why did someone leave a bad review? Why did someone leave a good review? If they expanded on their experience, that might help enlighten why someone left a review. I know I like to read the reviews that expand on experiences since they offer better insight on what is either wrong with the service or good with it.
I'm sorry if this didn't end up being helpful at all.
Jen H.8/15/2020

There's a lot of people recently posting both 1-star and 5-star reviews for different reasons. Either someone did something wrong and was punished, or they had a great experience. Everyone can post whatever they want.

Best you can do is join and see what you think for yourself.
M P.8/15/2020

All you can do is find out for yourself but beware if you do... and for goodness sake don't spend your hard earned money there until you have been there a while and see how things really are

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