Questions & Answers

Here’s what buyers have asked with answers from HEXRPG staff and previous consumers.

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answered within 1 day
From what I've seen in the negative reviews, most of these have broken the rules and were upset when they were punished accordingly. HEX does not allow multiple accounts, which is clearly stated in the rules. The idea that they automatically ban you with no warning or chance to explain yourself is completely false, as is the idea that other people aren't allow to have accounts in your household. I've been on the site for years and even recently became a moderator. All of these negative reviews talking about how terrible the staff is? Not allowed. Seriously, if any of us tried any of that stuff, we'd get in trouble faster than you could click report. Most of the negative reviews are simply from users who broke the rules and didn't like getting punished for it, along with the one or two reviewers who seemed to miss that HEX is PG-13. As someone whose been on the site for four years, let me assure you that they have given a completely off-base account of the site.
By Mandi B., over a year old

I have Aspergers and when I explained this to staff members who have attacked me over things I've said which they misinterpreted, and tried to explain what I really meant, I was basically told "tough luck" because what they say goes and their personal interpretation of what you say is the only meaning they will accept. It's happened to a few other Autistic Hexians as well from what I've heard. So, in all honesty? Avoid the bigger global mods and staff members/admins where you can because otherwise you might regret it if one of them reads you wrong and doesn't care to ask you for clarification. It's not worth the trouble. 95% of the regular users are very nice and understanding about the Autism spectrum though so don't shy away from talking about it if you need to.
By B H., over a year old

If the negative reviews are all around the same time, and all have similar spelling/grammatical issues, they're from the same butt-hurt people who got banned for rule-breaking and are now salty.
By Susan B., over a year old

I believe it is. I am a current member of the site and have found many wonderful friends and it has become a place for me to log into after a long day at school or work and not have to worry about the drama of everyday life. Granted, nothing is 100% perfect, as just like humans, the site still has some kinks that occur and you will find there to be some negative people who feed off of drama and misery. It is a matter of just being yourself and deciding which environment and experience you wish to have. The rules may seem silly or ridiculous, but some are in place due to COPPA or just keeping the users safe along with general online etiquette. So yes, it is worth it.
By horror-amour L., over a year old

Yes, the site is free. There are options to pay in to get perks (items mostly), but they are in no way required.
By Jen H., over a year old

Best way is the stock market because over time you receive dividends.
By Dillon C., over a year old

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