Questions & Answers

Hello! Is there a way to register as BOTH a provider and seeker? I am a tutor and I need to hire a sitter to watch my kids while I work.

Asked by Heather K. on 7/24/2015

8 Answers
Susan M.7/24/2015

If I were you I'd choose another site. is terrible.
SAVANNA S.7/24/2015

Yes just open a separate account for each one. If you try and do it from the same one, they consider it being misleading... probably because there not making money off it... and Wil ban you from their site..
Adam M.7/24/2015

I would not use this site heather. They auto renew your card and you will find the experience awful. Not a good option
Katrina H.7/25/2015

I had major problems, I have been on the seeking side, they don't do background checks on those looking for providers. They sometimes do on their providers. Not an honest place they like to send awful providers, putting out the best and promoting them isn't cost effective, they send you crap you continue to need providers, so u still subscribe to the service;;
Micyla R.7/24/2015

lg b.7/24/2015

Heed the warnings and stay away from it... nothing but a headache
Melissa S.7/24/2015

It's not worth the time & effort.
I'm available to watch the kids for you. If your close to my area. I have no luck on because I never get a response to my applications 99% of the time.
You may email me at if interested
teea s.7/24/2015

It is NOT worth it! Will be a waste of both time & money! Carefully read the reviews for before you make any decisions!

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