Has anyone thought of filing a class action lawsuit against this scam of a company. They don't help working families, but rather steal their money.
Asked by Alissa T. on 2/19/2016
27 Answers
Jona B.2/19/2016
I am planninng on filing a law suit. They are taking advantage of families who are trying to get help.
Lois H.2/19/2016
I would be interested. I got so many text messages from people that got into their data bank that were total scams.
Chi P.2/25/2016
Hello, I filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau and they are currently investigating Care.com. This is important enough to me that they have scammed me out of 6 months of payments and I had to close my credit card for Fraud. If you have had a bad experience with Care.com, I would encourage you to file a complaint with BBB. If enough people complain, then they will take more serious action. Here is the website. It is a short process to submit a complaint.
Maurice W.2/28/2016
This is a re-post of another persons post that spoke exactly to my experience using care.com. I wish I had looked at care.com reviews online prior to signing up and paying several years of fees to this company. I work in the business world and it is not difficult to see that Care.com is unethical and underhanded in their policies, and that they manipulate their site and image to be more positive than it is in reality. There are so many negative reviews posted all over the internet regarding care.com, if I had seen those first I would never have used this site! And yet, after looking at the complaints online and the responses from customer service, care.com blatantly disregards complaints by consumers. It is disappointing to see the lack of customer service in a company that claims to be a trustworthy and valuable resource for finding reliable caregivers. People with whom you entrust your children, home, and elderly family members. It is especially frightening to see that there are numerous complaints from members that were removed from care.com site after posting a negative review about a caregiver. Care.com states in it's policy that they can close any member's account at any time for any (or no) reason, and that the member will not be informed why their account was closed. This obviously brings up the concern that care.com eliminates members that post honest (but negative) reviews because it looks bad for care.com to have many poorly rated caregivers. It would obviously make their company less attractive to consumers who have to wade through numerous caregivers to find one that is well rated by previous employees. It would also provide a poor impression of the site to new members who see a lot of bad reviews, thus being bad for care.com's business and retaining of customers. I would warn consumers to find another method of searching for caregivers.
Tracey S.2/19/2016
Yes I was in the process but wasn't able to proceed because I had challenged the charges and was reimbursed by my credit card company. I have a firm in Chicago prepared to file a case if they can get a client who signed up on their smartphone app (not on a computer) who is interested. Please contact me at tlschnei@yahoo.com if you're interested in seeing this through
Murray M.2/19/2016
I sure hope so! This company has no ethics and only cares about making money at the costs of their customers. They used bait switched on me and after going back and forth with my credit card company, I just gave up. I truly hope they get what they deserve and fast. I would be more than happy to cooperate or even donate to any legitimate legal action against them.
Berns m.2/21/2016
If they can do something about it, I am all for it. The more people get involved, the better chance to get rid of care.com. I got purely scam text messages and only one response from someone looking for a caregiver. But this person sounded super strange on the phone... So I didn't proceed. WASTE OF MONEY!
julie H.2/20/2016
In 7 years I've never gotten one job off of this web site. Just scam text messages from people overseas. Babysitting is how. I earn a living and has dried up my business. I don't think this company is honest. And is only interested in ripping people off
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