Questions & Answers

When will my reservation be charged?

Asked by Melodie A. on 12/1/2015

7 Answers
William C.12/1/2015

Good luck. Booking likes to advertise the lowest fare and then bait and switch. Very unscrupulous company. They leave you holding the bag and don' are.
michael b.12/1/2015

It depends on the hotel some don't charge until you arrive at hotel more will charge your card straight away check your booking it should tell you there
Kimberly D.12/1/2015

It will be charged before your next breath and you will not get a refund even if its 2 minutes later that you request it.
Jennie T.12/1/2015

I have book thru them a lot. Due to work and leisure. I've never been charged until my actual stay. One time they charged the day I was arriving before I checked in. But was told upfront on the site that would happen. Hope this helps.
AMOR R.12/1/2015

They will send you an email of an update you need to pay and will deduct directly from your card account link to that reservation
Jen B.12/1/2015


I would telephone the hotel well ahead of the time you arrive. It completely depends on the hotel in question's own policies. I hope thT helps.
D R.12/1/2015

Depends on hotel although that is never consistent. If worried, telephone either or the hotel directly and keep note of what is said and the name of the person to whom you are speaking to in case of any problems.

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