Questions & Answers

Hi there i want to know do you give valid customers who book with you all the time. I have just booked 4 hotels and am looking to book another 2 but can your site not give me any sort of discount for using only booking. Com

Asked by stephanie i. on 5/2/2015

7 Answers
really n.5/2/2015 has horrible customer service. Don't use them.
Lynn P.5/2/2015

I don't know why you're even using this site Stephanie. Their after sales is disgusting! Recommend travel Republic. Great prices and options
Kimberly D.5/5/2015

Don't use them unless you have to!
Leah W.5/2/2015

They robbed me of about 3k with two fraudulent listings in Ibiza, Spain last year. Chased w a lawyer and my credit card co but never got the money back.
Ed A.5/2/2015

Girl are you KIDDING? Did you not read my review? They promised me a $50 refund for not provding the room I paid for and I STILL HAVEN'T RECEIVED IT. You expect to give you a frequent customer discount? LOL LOL LOL
Dean K.5/3/2015

After making your 3rd reservation you qualify to join the so-called "Genius" program, which entitles you to an additional 10% discount on each reservation from then on.
Phil L.5/2/2015

Have used for years and never have received discounts other than the low hotel prices I do find. I use the web site because it is an excellent source for booking hotels.

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