When I book a hotel on booking.com and pay by credit card, do I have to pay again when I check in?
Asked by chi P. on 9/20/2015
8 Answers
China m.9/21/2015
You pay a non refundable price on line. When you check into your hotel, it's billed to your Bookings.com reservation plus incidentals (local calls, parking fees, resort fees, dining, bar fees, Europe charges local or city tax, spa fees...) the hotel will ask for a card as a hold for these fees. Use bookings.com, find the hotel you wish to stay in (get all info and contact them directly via website and price match) the Marriott in Rome had a room for $80.00 less on the Marriott website than these, so called MONEY SAVING SITES.
Lynn P.9/21/2015
Please do not book with these people. Their a nightmare! Took me 3 month to get half my money back of them. Their adverts are extremely misleading.don't book please. Try travel Republic cant praise them enough
Good luck
Good luck
Vijay C.9/21/2015
Hopefully not... either the booking.com
Hotel will say no refunds or free cancellation.
If no refund then you should be paid up... if travelling to the US... likely to have to pay taxes on top including any service charges... just check the small print.
If paying via free cancellation - the whole bill to be paid on arrival.
Booking.com looks cheap, but sometimes they don't give the true figure of the entire stay.
Best of luck.
Hotel will say no refunds or free cancellation.
If no refund then you should be paid up... if travelling to the US... likely to have to pay taxes on top including any service charges... just check the small print.
If paying via free cancellation - the whole bill to be paid on arrival.
Booking.com looks cheap, but sometimes they don't give the true figure of the entire stay.
Best of luck.
Ed A.9/21/2015
No they snatch your money right away and if there's any problems the hotel is not responsible for any reimbursement.
Judith J.9/21/2015
Don't use booking.com. Go direct to the hotel. Booking.com are terrible if you ever need a refund for any reason. A hotel we stayed at told us never to use booking, com. They have a bad reputation.
Phil L.9/21/2015
If your room is a prepay in most cases it is nonreundablr and the amount can be charged from the time your booking is confirmed up to the day of arrival, regardless you will not receive a refund. If you find you are going to miss the first day due to circumstances not in your control, call the hotel directly and explain the situation, be sure you get the name of the person you are speaking to. If your booking is not a nonrefundable price your credi card could still be charged but if you cancel you should get a refund, usually rooms are held until around 6pm, also a hotel can take your credit card as a guarantee of arrival then you will either be charged when you arrive or in most cases when you check out. Before you book and prepay or use your credit card for guarantee read all the information about the hotel policy and conditions, not knowing is no excuse
really n.9/21/2015
It's common practice for hotels to say they don't have your reservation or didn't receive payment. They then charge you and it's your responsibility to get your money back from the booking operator. This happened to me so many times that I never use a booking operator, I always book directly with the hotel.
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