Xtrade reviews are very positive and the broker is lit indeed. I have been trading here for more than a month and I already earned some cash.
Bagi saya, Xtrade adalah platform perdagangan yang lengkap di mana saya boleh merealisasikan potensi diri saya. Semua ini kerana infrastrukturnya yang mesra pengguna, jadi saya tak menghadapi sebarang masalah bila membuat dagangan, menjalankan analisis teknikal, mengira sesuatu atau apa sahaja.
Saya masih seorang pemula, tapi saya berusaha sedaya upaya untuk meningkatkan kemahiran saya dalam perdagangan! Nasib baik, mereka juga ada bahan pendidikan 😋
The presence of such rare assets like stocks or long term government bonds is truly astonishing.
I don't think I know any other broker who provides bonds for its clients. By the way bonds are not valuable in and of itself, they are great in combination with equities to create a strong, diversified investing portfolio.
It's been several months that I've been trading here and so far I am totally satisfied with almost everything.
The range of instruments is truly awesome. I don't think I have ever seen this number of assets in one place.
It includes some rare instruments like government bonds. 5,10 or 30 years US treasury bonds as well as the EU long-term fixed income assets.
In general I think it can cater the needs of all traders or investors on the market.
I wanna proceed with my trading in this place because it's suitable for me in all regards. Nothing irritates me. You know some brokers have good trading conditions, but very bad customer service. This one seems to have no glitches.
I reckon this company isn't a renowned broker but this fact doesn't make it worse compared to others. It's like a unique one you know. It stands out of the crowd and I highly appreciate those brokers that know how to make their services different from the whole mass.
My acquaintance with the broker was spontaneous. I found its site occasionally. At first it didn't attract my attention. I thought it was very typical or even worse. An article about government bonds on their site attracted my attention. Certainly I heard before about government bonds and how their value impress currency trends, but never traded them. Now I trade bonds here and earn extra money.
The broker has already deserved my trust. I've made sure that it's trustworthy and has nothing to do with scheme schemes I'm always afraid for. Well, three months are enough to understand that I'm dealing with a genuine company.
Despite the reliability is crucial in trading, it's not the only factor that determines my choice in favor of this or that broker. I'm also concerned about the technical side of trading, in particular, execution. For me it's important to exit and enter the market with no freeze, whenever I want this. Fortunately, the broker ensures it so it can trade intraday conveniently.
I started as one of their representative called me binde and told me will give me 100*% trade bonus after one guy dev told me that they cannot give bonus,now I am trying to withdraw money since last seven days and now again they create trap that give us bitcoin wallet
I like how convenient and easy to use this broker's platform is. I don't have to set up and install any software on my PC in order to trade. It's very simple and convenient. Thanks to the developers for choosing this technology.
Answer: The broker offers solid amount of cryptocurrencies for trading. There are such cryptos as bitcoin, bitcoin cash, litecoin, dash, ethereum, ripple and many other interesting assets.
Answer: Friend, I will not be mistaken if I say that Xtrade is one of the most reliable brokers in the world! You can read on net about their systems providing protection for personal data and clients' funds. If I am not mistaken, official broker website also has information about it.
Answer: It would take me enormous amount of time to list all assets that are available to company's customers. It seems to me that it would be easier to visit broker's official website in special section and study all information. Moreover, there will be trading conditions for each asset. This information will also be useful. It is true that there are a lot of financial instruments available on platform. Therefore, it will not be difficult to compose investment portfolio! I think there will be enough assets for number of portfolios =)
Answer: Well, that is highly dependent on what you want to trade. The leverage for trading FX and trading cryptocurrencies are definitely going to be different. However, FX majors will have the max with $1 having the buying power of $400. That is 1:400.
Answer: Yes, broker offers its customers excellent training materials. I studied them few months ago, but I'm sure they still exist. Training materials are located on separate page of broker's official website. All materials are divided into several categories. These materials helped me learn how to trade. Because when I opened account with this broker, I didn't know how to trade. I cannot say whether they are helpful or not based on my experience. They are very useful! For example, there is dictionary. I still use it. It's convenient thing. When I encounter some unfamiliar trading term, I can look up its meaning in this dictionary. That happens when I am looking for some helpful information on forums. As a result, I highly recommend studying these training materials. I think their usefulness is obvious.
Answer: I don't see anything preventing you as a beginner from trading government bonds. In many regards, they are just any other CFDs. So, to make a trading decision on them you need to analyze their chart.
Answer: こんな取引スタイルはあり?ありでした! 経験豊富なトレーダーは、ファンダメンタル分析と、コモディティやオイルなどの取引をしているのではないかと思います… で、考えてみたんですが… Xtradeはファンダメンタル分析を使った取引にも向いていることがわかりました。要は、ポジショントレードです。ここにはこんな取引スタイルに必要なツールが揃っています。 さらに、このプラットフォームなら、ファンダメンタルのデータを使った、ポジショントレードに適した資産にもアクセスできるんです。 Xtradeは取引の玄人に最適だし、そのために必要な条件をすべて備えていると思います。
Answer: I want to warn you that my opinion can be different from yours and if so, take it easy, brother! I think there is no need to think complicatedly to understand what assets are the most attractive in terms of trading conditions. It is obvious that the forex market is the most beneficial, there is high leverage, tight spreads and cheap administrational swap fees. Everything is needed for successful and cost-effective trading.
Answer: Buddy, it all depends on which technical tools you are using for technical analysis. From my point of view, I think it is very effective. Mainly I use ichimoku cloud, oscillator and momentum indicators and everything works perfectly.
Answer: Bonds are interesting assets, and there are different types of bonds. THey are usually a saffer form of investment generally, but that also depends on the type of bond. Government bonds are very secure.