World Animal Foundation
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New Jersey
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Report Review, these are the first steps that gradually accelerate the process of your development and self-improvement. She started with a free trial and has been satisfied with our joint work for two years. Therefore, do not hesitate and start your movement forward.

Date of experience: February 15, 2023
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Adopt an animal
December 21, 2008

Adopt an animal - here's a great alternative to buying for kids the latest DS game or toy that they'll just use once or twice: adopt an animal. I adopted a penguin for one of my nephews while he was living in New Zealand. They delivered to him the adoption kit, including a photo, facts, adoption certificate and a stuffed animal. I don't think they do the stuffed animal anymore.

Delivery took a bit of time but I believe it was because I said that the address was in Australia instead of New Zealand. Thanks to the postal service there and to the organization, my nephew got his beloved penguin! He LOVED the gift, and it's for such a great cause. I believe, however, that the adoption only lasts for a year. Another option for adoption is the organization Defenders of Wildlife, but that delivery is possible within the U.S. only. All in all, I was really happy with this website, organization and gift.

Date of experience: December 21, 2008
14 reviews
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Adopt an animal and save a life. - You can adopt an animal from a lion to a seal to elephant etc.
It is excellent for anyone with children so they can learn more about animals and also learn to care and respect our wildlife.
A truly wonderful site for everyone of all ages.

Date of experience: March 15, 2009
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I've been flooded with FB posts to rescue Baloo asking for donations. But never any info or plans for his rescue
Just more donations asked for.

Date of experience: October 5, 2023