Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

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The Dana Foundation is dedicated to the research of and dissemination of information about the brain. It's my go-to site for updated and reliable information on the latest advances in the science of the brain. The site is easy to navigate, the articles are pretty accessible and the resources are abundant. There are dedicated sections for kids, educators and seniors.

The Dana Foundation also sponsors the annual "Brain Awareness Week", in which our school is a partner. When you register with them (for Brain Awareness or even just as a user), you receive a small monthly newspaper that aggregates critical research from the month as well as a year-end book focused on a particular theme in brain science. Mind you, it's all for free. That's the way it should be!

Date of experience: March 28, 2011
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F pissed off today! My wife unfortunately
Tested positive for Covid a week ago, but now She is okay and tested negative twice on 10/23 & 10/25 at her work and also cleared to work in a hospital setting. My wife has cancer and we had a hospital appointment at Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center in clinical affiliation with South Shore Hospital in Weymouth, MA.
For her required cancer shot treatment that is important to slow the cancer down, but the hospital has different rules of waiting even though she's back to work and passed two Covid test. Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center in clinical affiliation with South Shore Hospital, has refused to at least to give her a life saving shot treatment on time to help slow her Cancer from possibly growing larger because of their twenty day waiting period, because COVID Know exactly what time and day not spread. Mind you, she lost a full day of work too and to ne rejected by Dana-Farber Brigham Cancer Center in clinical affiliation with South Shore Hospital, but told us to comeback tomorrow for
Her shot. Like I said Covid can tell the time and Date when it won't spread. This is so F up! Every day her cancer as well of others don't wait or stop because of Covid and the hospitals are Putting my wife and others in danger for not Properly and refusing the appropriate medical care necessary for her life. Let also not forget the money that hospital is charging for my wife
Cancer treatment around $53,000 per month too.

Sad & Pathetic!

Date of experience: October 26, 2022