$#*!ty woke anti-white anti-male anti-straight propaganda. Has been going on for a while but the latest review on the Hogwarts game is just appalling. So much ideology it's insane that these people think they're doing good.
When they don't allow comments, you know it's trash, or has an agenda.
Those who make it hard to comment or remove that while plastering offensive articles are not 'real people'. Such a website is just a troll website that likely generates no revenue, made by some rich troll, that probably has bad genetics and health to plaster such nonsense around.
I was just drawn to it by an offensive article once again trying to 'give credit' for Atomic bombs to Africans/Africa as if they were integral to that somehow. Usual leftist nonsense trying to incorporate racism and also nowadays make it seem like 'black people did things they never actually did', which is just for low IQs in my opinion.
Just thought I'd add my 1 star review in.
Wired.com has forgotten about journalist integrity and instead decided to let unstable people vent their personal feelings inside of, what should be unbiased and professional product reviews. If that's allowed then I should also be allowed to review Wired.com based on how their Hogwarts Legacy review "made me feel".
So I rate them 0/10 for making me feel betrayed and outraged by their lack of professionalism and not being able to objectively do their jobs.
Trust is earned not given. Same with respect.
The Wired brand has quite obviously gone from a decent publication about technology to become a purely negative corporate mouthpiece. I don't give them any more money or clicks and never will again. Just a shameful pathetic excuse of fake journalism. The Onion has more truth than the junk on Wired.
Unfortunately there have been incidents of product reviews that are entirely based on subjective opinions about people affiliated with the product rather than objective reviews about the product itself. This renders it useless and does little to build trust in any other articles.
In articles that have nothing to do with U.S. politics, writers go out of the way to insert their political opinions as facts. Hard to then trust real facts if political commentary is dressed up as issues that are not up for debate. Used to love the magazine, but sadly I think the editorial board believes it has some political indoctrination mission.
Their review of Hogwarts legacy is shamefully biased and unfair to both the developers who put in quite the effort in making an amazing game filled with magic, and unfair to the consumers who use review sites to be informed about their decisions im a trustworthy manner. There is no reason for all people to love (or hate) the same thing in the same way, but when it's an intentional act and shows failed integrity (just like review bombing is not allowed on steam and other sites) the editors should not have allowed the review to go up, and should have informed the writer to simply allow another person to review the game instead.
This has got to be one of the most dishonest websites on the Internet. They have zero integrity. Their employees and writers are bullies and terrible people. Their articles lack credibility and proof. It should be a crime to be this disingenuous.
Thier reviews are out of touch and they just like bring games down instead of judging the games on merit alone they instead judge games on the iP owners instead of how the game actually performs so sad how far they have fallen
Most reviews aren't objective, they're unprofessional mudslinging at irrelevant elements of the media and/or product. The latest review for a popular video game was obvious virtue-signalling bait, and WIRED should be removed as a Metacritic reviewer.
Answer: Seems like a scam. They won't cancel your free trial and they constantly try to pull money from you.
Wired Magazine has a rating of 1.6 stars from 43 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. Wired Magazine ranks 258th among Tech Blogs sites.