I started getting Wired Magazine many, many years ago. 20? Most that time was memberships and it was a lot thicker back before they started doing the online versions. The original target audience was men age 30-50 that were interested in computer science, tech, and science. I was a young woman, home with my first child, in my late 20's, living in extreme rural North America. Oh how I LOVED to get my Wired Magazine. Reading it cover to cover in the silence of mourning, with my coffee and the sun coming up over the ridge. Then, something changed. Not sure exactly when it happened. Maybe 10 years ago it started. They started getting political. I am NOT a political person, so this started rubbing me the wrong way. Stories written by "psychologists " that think they know EVERYTHING about EVERYBODY because they have a piece of paper. Wrong. Few years ago a total hate story on Elon Musk. Oh, nooo! And then the political anti-Trump. Im a big girl, Ill vote who I want without reading snarky -hate filled articles. Whether they are right or wrong. I don't need spoken down too by a magazine, that has apparently been loosing revenue and will now write and say anything to try to drum up an audience. Of hate filled, opinionated people? A few years ago, after the Elon Musk hate -a -thon I cancelled my subscription. I think I'd had it for 14 years by then. [ I would lapse once in a while, but I think 14 was my long haul" A year or so ago, I got an offer in the mail, and all I could remember was those days when my son was a baby and I enjoyed that coffee and my Wired Magazine in the wee hours of the morning. So... like a dumb dumb, I decided to try Wired again. I have been nothing but disappointed :( There are very few computer, computer science, or science articles and somehow they even manage to get hate speech in THOSE about our current President. It's just SHOVED into an article, with no purpose. " Bunnies live in the wild eating grasses and fruits and Donald Trump sucks"? Oh, it's not JUST wired, it's pretty much everywhere. Like him, hate him whatever. I don't feel Wired Magazine is the place for this and it makes me feel the people writing these articles are fueling people with their political and yes racists articles. People forget what racism actually means. The def is ANYTIME you separate one race from another and with the believe that one is better or more worthy then the other. I have NEVER done that. But YOU... all of YOU are doing precisely that. You were once a great, intelligent magazine. I don't know what happened, but I will not be renewing again. Ever. I didn't give you 1 star, because honestly, I am sure there are people that thrive on this type of media. I find it heartbreaking, nauseating, and just not cool. Gee, Wired magazine USED to be SO FREAKING cool! I see you like to call people names these days, so call me a "Karen" or what ever. Just remember, I am not calling YOU names, and they would be much worse. R. I. P Wired Magazine