The only real online school out there and I highly recommend it. If you are looking to get a job and need a better education there are many online schools looking to take your money or worse tell you to get a loan and give them money. They all about ripping off their students just to make a profit. Western governors university or WGU is not like that at all. They really help you get a good online education and will give you a real online degree recognized my major corporations.
This university is 100% online with regional accreditation. I cannot attest to other programs, but for Information Technology the majority of the classes are tied to a certificate. In fact to pass these classes one must pass the certificate associated with it. The downside is not having a class led instructor for an exchange of ideas. The upsides well make up for it. The certificates are included with tuition, every recruiter and employer I have talked to think highly of WGU, and the tuition is low cost for a university.
Nice to see some online schools are not out only to make a profit. I like how state governors founded this school to help people get jobs.