Events at Stanford - If you live in the Palo Alto / San Francisco Bay area -- or are planning to visit -- this web site has up-to-date listings of interesting activities on campus (e.g., free shows by the Stanford Shakespeare Society, political and academic speakers, community/cultural fairs, theatrical/musical performances on campus). Many events are free and open to the public.
Find Data Base course, it realy helpful at work. I would have a difficult time in finding the quality material on this topic. The course materials like handouts and slides are of great quality.
When i was living in southern Cali around 2010 -2011ish, i visited many campuses while actually going to college and working. Meet many professors to the under-pressured students though none like Stanford. There are "little Africas" here and there across southern to northern Cali.. many of my people from Akan and Ewe inspired me to take away the limits so i could really see how far i can and will go. I was accepted to Stanford though shyed away cause i was conflicted internally with "wow i got accepted i got accepted i got accepted I GOT ACCEPTED!!" vs "indigenous man you're going to fail fail". Yes i never attended class and just withdrew although i thanked the "indigenous connection" for helping me and guiding me academically into Stanford. Will i ever go back to Stanford? That answer as of now i don't have although many Nigerian and Ghanaian Professors and Jurists come from there and continue on their education elsewhere. And i know why too and it is to be basically better than your last times. Go Cardinals! the Stanford Tree which is the mascot....My positive thoughts exactly. LEADERSHIP. Peace in.