It's really bad. It's supposed to be the Chinese twitter but it sucks and you need to register with your passport for even reading other people's feeds. Boo.
Ok so no disrespect, but I have literally has it with this site. Registered my account, bonded phone, enjoyed my time on weibo, huge following and alot of positive interaction. THAN, as of 2 weeks ago, these "abnormal states" started, please verify etc. Ok, so about 10 times I did that with picture and other user name verification to ensure I knew followers and who I'm following. All of a sudden the last 3 days my account has been having to verify again ONLY THIS TIME, its pictures and phone SMS. Haha ok because we all know the issues they make happen with that process. Enter my phone number (binged number) and automatically says I've exceeded my requests. I wait 24 hours, it works. Post 1 tweet, boom NOW AGAIN verify your account it's in abnormal state. I email them, they have me fill out a form, blah blah, and now its saying I've requested to many SMS try again later. Whatever. I requested identity verification and ever since than all this has taken place. They intentionally mess with your account, make you think your stupid and can't comprehend the bigger picture. Just say your discriminating against americans using your site. Point blank. You can send your documents but they counter that with another request. 3 months later, still can't resolve identity? Like what the hell, I am who i am and with all the actual fake accounts I've seen, they only have an issue with the American. Frikn joke. Obvious, and totally pathetic