This is the best site for cartoons ever. It is full of ads, 50% of the videos are "unavailable" (cant imagine why) and it constantly crashes my iPad Pro in safari lol. This is perfect if you want a frustrating platform, constant crashes that result in migraines, and binging until the last episode is "unavailable". The search engine is also flawless with features that include:
- does not recognize word if you added an s when there is no s in the title of the cartoon
- not all results pop up when you search up a keyword
- and a reminder that says "This isn't Google Search so…"
Did I mention the ads? They are everywhere and sometimes cover the content or key buttons like scroll to the top. And man, the lists of anime are long. Often taking minutes of frantic scrolling at top speed just to realize that you are only one fifth of the way there. The ads' delete buttons are very tiny and their hit boxes don't match.
All in all, go to YouTube
I know you guys are in need of money, but the only reason people used this slow, ad-ridden website instead of, say, Netflix was because the cartoons were free. If I wanted to pay to watch my favorite show, I certainly wouldn't do it on a third-rate pirated cartoon site. Why pay the pirate when I could pay legally for a higher-quality, ad-free experience? This website's only saving grace was that it was free-of-charge. Now that you ruined it, I will no longer be using it. I would understand if you forced me to disable my ad blocker (which I was doing anyway) to use your service, but now you've turned your "free cartoon site" into an inferior-in-every-way version of Netflix. Your website was once great, but now it's just trash.
This used to be a really good website to watch cartoons for free online but now you cannot watch more than five minutes. I'm not exaggerating, a literal red screen pops up telling you to register. Now this wouldn't have ruined it if you just had to register then continue but even after you do, you are still unable to watch the videos.
Kinda sucks, it was my go-to website.
The entire point of this site was so we could enjoy cartoons for free, but now it is impossible to do that without buying a premium account. Gotta pay the pirate lol. If I'm going to pay for this content, I much rather just pay for it on their respective official platforms. Instead, I'll pirate the pirate; or better yet, I'll just look elsewhere. Good luck being able to afford to run your servers for this site once any viewerbase that still exists plummets as they all look for alternatives.
I am not paying you guys just to watch cartoons, the whole reason I used your website is because it was free and easy to use, the only other website I can use takes me into another website everytime I want to replay something. You will not be getting any money from me and I doubt that that many people will be paying you either. You guys have ruined your website for a lot of people, I hope you're happy
Why... just why. They just ruined a website that was used so that we could watch anime and tv shows and movies for free. But nope. They completely ruined it by forcing you to pay to watch stuff. I mean you can still watch stuff on wco for free but you can only watch it for 5 minutes. This is extremely annoying. I can't believe this is happening. Not only is this happening on wco tv, but it's also now happening in wco stream which was the only remaining site where you could watch the full episodes and movies without paying. If you needed money that badly then at least remove the whole "5-minute" thing and just keep the premium features. Now I can't watch my favorite tv shows or movies anymore. I hope you're proud of yourself for ruining the best website to watch free anime.
I get that you guys need money n' $#*!, but why would you even do this? Like literally every single person that used your now $#*!ty website used it cuz you could watch stuff for free, it's hard to find places where you can actually watch stuff for free. And you guys had a great thing going, but you pretty much just ruined it, not only for yourselves, but for the people who used your website including me. And why would you make it so you can only watch the first five minutes of something that's just stupid.
This used to be my go to site how ever it became horrible. You used to be able to watch everything for free, but now they want you to register or your only able to watch 5min max. But even if you register you have to become a premium member and pay. At this point you can subscribe to a normal streaming service like netflix etc. if you have to pay. Their excuse for you to have to pay you ask? They claim is because of the energy crisis and that they have to pay more for the servers and the ads (which there are tons of) don't pay that much. Strangely other sites like this (kissanime etc.) remained for free.
I understand that yall need money, but this is stupid. Im not paying for something like this when im already paying for $#*!ing tv that i already have. I used this site for "FREE" tv. Not anymore. I will take myself else where thx to this Bull$#*!. And now u are getting NOTHING from me ever again.
WCO TV has a rating of 2.3 stars from 21 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. WCO TV ranks 25th among Cartoon sites.