Wild Birds Unlimited

Wild Birds Unlimited

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Great resource
April 15, 2019

Wld Birds has a great selection of bird food and bird accessories like sculptures, bird feeders, puzzles and some stationary. They have a "club" that gives you discounts. Great if you buy a lot of food. The staff are courteous and extremely knowledgeable.
Check them out.

Date of experience: April 14, 2019
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I bought this feeder online with a lot of other items but this specific suet plug feeder is a DUD! Why? None of the suet logs fit into the pre-drilled suet holes. The feeder has 3 drilled holes into which you jam into the hole, a suet plug. WBU offered suet plugs and I bought 2 of their options (Bark Butter and Super Suet No melt plugs) neither of which would fit into the holes! I was gobsmacked that WBU would not have known this or on their web page, would have advised NOT to buy the specific suet plugs that would NOT fit their suet feeder. $60 is a LOT for this feeder. I am not happy. My only action here is to steer you from finding out as I did their suet plugs won't fit the holes of their $60 Modern Rustic Suet Plug Feeder. Otherwise, I have no issues with WBU and even pay to buy their annual membership. Buyer Beware! PS: So why didn't I return it, you ask? I wrapped it up and gifted it as a birthday present BEFORE I knew the plugs did not fit. It was the birthday guest who told me of this issue and if he returns it to me, (he's 2 hours away)... WBU said to bring it in... DON'T BUY the Wild Birds Unlimited $60 Modern Rustic Suet Plug Feeder.

Date of experience: November 16, 2020