Reading up recently on my winged friends, I ran across
Now of course one would expect parrot care should be, but no... That's the parrot drone site. So instead we find It's a site in operation since 1997 and is dedicated to the education of potential parrot owners. Some points covered are common sense, some aren't and are good to see. A weakness of the site, small parrots very well represented, large parrots, not so much. As far as informing the surfer on things to think about when considering a companion bird the site does a good job, but in some instances it seems a bit harsh. This shows clearly in the stance against owners hand feeding their birds and leaning towards fully weaning before bringing a chick home. Well it's their opinion and they're entitled to it, I can respect that. Besides, the average person is going to look at several sources of information.
Added to the larger picture, does a great job and is certainly worth the time.