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"When the government lies, the truth becomes a traitor". This is why such websites are good for all. Mainstream media will censor every narrative they do not like or that is not part of (or contrary) to their agenda in the US and Europe. This is a breath of fresh air to see such people understanding what is going on in this world. Some articles may seem out of this world and unbelievable just because the mainstream media doesn't cover such news as their puppeteers would not let them.

Date of experience: May 12, 2022
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STAY AWAY from this cowardly anti-israel and anti-american website. Using the name "Veteran" in their website is an absolute shameful disgrace. If you are looking for real and relevant information... put it this way- this website is as clear as mud. Do yourself a favor and do the FACT supported research yourself. Don't buy into their mindless crap... unless you believe everything around you is a conspiracy- (and) if so, well then you, AND the veteranstoday website are in need of a serious psychological evaluation.

Date of experience: January 26, 2014
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Follow Miriam H.
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This site copies and pastes a few legitimate articles of interest to veterans or their families, in order to draw people in, and then fills the rest of the site with unfounded accusations and conspiracy theories against both the US government and its allies, and against Jews in general.

Most of the items they post have been thoroughly debunked elsewhere, but they continue to post it anyhow, which shows that their real interest is in stirring up hatred, not in spreading the truth.

Date of experience: February 5, 2015
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January 17, 2016

The domain name is registered through GoDaddy and shows the owner as being Domains By Proxy. That means whoever registered the site is trying stay anonymous.

It reads like a typical Russian propaganda site.

Date of experience: January 17, 2016
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They publish fake news, like a video game screen recording they published under "US attack against Syrian soldiers". Video is available at youtube under title "AC-130 Gunship Simulator - Convoy engagement". After explosed, they rushed to delete the fake.

They advocate drugs are wonderful, global warming is melting the planet and the "deniers" are adept to conspiracies. They behave in an erratic way, identical to some drug users I had the displeasure to meet. They quickly ban people that point the finger to their lies.

Date of experience: October 23, 2019
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I was surfing the web when i seen something about the wounded warriors project one so called retired vet claimed they were just a big money scam. All i ever seen was good what they were doing. I realy think hes just mad cause he cant get what he wants from the govt. Maybe one day one of his relatives will need the w. W. p..

Date of experience: July 10, 2014
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This is nothing but a disgusting propaganda site filled with anti-Israeli and pro Russian garbage. Pull this stinking trash pile up alongside Russia Today, notice the identical web architecture, shared stories, and articles on VT that site the crap from RT as source and take 3 guesses who really runs this site. If any actual American veteran believes anything posted in this garbage dump I would be shocked.

Date of experience: May 17, 2015
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The information is fake, I doubt half of the contributors are real individuals, and the underlying intent of the "puppet master" is to the nourish the worst aspects of human nature. If you are paranoid and racist, believe others are responsible for your own failures in life and want to blame Israel and Jews for all the worlds ills, you will enjoy Veterans Today.

Date of experience: February 28, 2020
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The truth. Someone has to say it. The worse blind is the one that dont wants to see.
After all the lies and manipulation we see on a daily basis, and that has been around for decades, even centuries you will have to question yourself what is realy the truth? Why would a select group og people want to misguide the rest of human kind this way? Money. Power? I mean... its not like there are any bad people in this world right that would do sometyhing like that. Theres nothing wrong with questioning things. An intelligent person will question everything realy.

Date of experience: July 25, 2017
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I find this site very interesting. It purports to reflect on "REAL" world events which, if truthful, would turn our normal senses upside down alright.
I think that it is one of the most hateful and provocative as well as miss-informed as well as being eager to point its sleazy finger at the chosen object of its founders dissatisfaction
In short - please delete your bookmark for it, and any references to it should be viewed as a bad reflection on the sites that carry them...

Date of experience: June 3, 2013


VeteransToday has a rating of 3 stars from 40 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally dissatisfied with their purchases. VeteransToday ranks 20th among Blog sites.
