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LiverJournal used to be an amazing site where I could express my deepest concerns with a couple dozen viewers (pretty much all girls around my age!) and get honest feedback about what I should do with the situations at hand.

Sadly the site has sort of died away and my friend that I knew well from LJ has not posted in almost four years. I've tried to rejuvenate my old LJ but it's not worth it.

While I never got a large amount of responses the ones I got were always genuine and helpful.

Date of experience: February 17, 2014
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Get A Facelift!
July 22, 2021

Are we still living in early 2000? LiveJournal was great back in the past. The website looks archaic even after some revamps. It's 2021, update the design and layout to be more modern. Some aspects and elements have been updated over time but it's still atrocious to look at. However, it does what it's meant to do. I guess that's a plus. I can't get back into using LiveJournal. Sorry.

Date of experience: July 22, 2021
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I joined LJ sometime back in the mid 2000's and I had not visited the site since 2008ish? I rediscovered LJ this year and have since started posting there again mostly as a personal journal.

The community that used to be there is practically non-existent now, except for a lot of russians. Overall its a "Meh" experience I am just there for the nostalgia at this point.

Date of experience: March 2, 2016
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Livejournal is just okay, when you share enough storage, you must pay for get extra space for storage. So I don't like the website so much, it's also not bad to me.

Date of experience: May 3, 2013
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Search for it
April 27, 2017

Always fun to read journals by interesting people - literature, journeys, hobbies and more. You just need some research to get in touch with people you need.

Date of experience: April 26, 2017
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The site livejournal is not bad and not so good. This is a platform to express our thoughts and ideas about the issues and incidents. The comments and replies getting from their is not good.

Date of experience: August 19, 2014
South Carolina
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Follow Bess Z.
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From my experience, LiveJournal is one of the most interesting virtual communities to be a part of. Not only is it a place where you can write your thoughts, it's a great place to find/meet people with similar interests. You'll never feel like "just another blogger out there" here.

For starters, the website is very user-friendly. You'll never feel like you're in the dark. They've got a really thorough FAQ as well. When the website is down, their twitter lets you know exactly what is going on. They're always on top of fixing bugs, so you know they've got their priorities straight.

Definitely join some communities if you make an account. There typically aren't any unnecessary barriers that prevents you from joining your community of choice (i. E. Must read 50 lines of rules and find that hidden "text" to know you've 'read' the rules before joining).

The great thing is that there's a community for just about anything. There are communities dedicated to making friends, to people who like to cross-stitch, people interested in travel, makeup, fashion, TV shows, fandoms, and the list goes on...

I've actually met some really wonderful friends through LJ! When I've got a question or want to share something, LJ is my go-to place. There are always people reading what you have to say, and people reply because they're interested in what you have to say (duh! That's why you're in the same community)!

I must say, LJ is nothing without the people using it, but they must have done something right to have attracted all those amazing people :)

Date of experience: June 30, 2011
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LiveJournal is dead
November 1, 2021

LiveJournal is dead, and I am not yet. How I was a blogger on LiveJournal, where the world is heading, where the top Bloggers have gone. How you can make money on LJ. The few authors I still read.

Date of experience: October 31, 2021
New York
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It depends
January 12, 2017

The site has loads of interesting stories and art, and no less things that should be avoided. Cant say whether its good or bad.

Date of experience: January 12, 2017
New York
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Beloved forever
December 10, 2016

A great place filled with great content by many interesting people. Though to find something really interesting you need some time to search.

Date of experience: December 10, 2016


LiveJournal has a rating of 3.4 stars from 13 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. LiveJournal ranks 31st among Blog sites.
