What's this site about. " Do you want to plan your vacation?
Not sure, when Easter will be? " That is all the content they have on their site. Unless you consider the long list of links like Ascension, Assomption
Assunzione,... To the side as content. I am not sure why I would ever use this site. Look it could very well be one of those "get it" moments, it just didn't happen for me. Maybe some content about what you do, why I would use your services, or site. How about a link about who you are and maybe a blog to entice me to use your site? Look I understand your concept (holidays & when they fall according to that country) I just don't get your strategy. Maybe you just don' t have one.
Site looks like its in a development stage. Didn't find alot of info. Needs some work on the design looks like a template.