Watch out for this site! - I tried to sign up for the site and all of a sudden I had signed up not for torrent downloads, but for 3 porno sites... which were going to charge me over $40 dollars every month. When you go to cancel them you are welcomed with the most grotesque pictures and disgusting offers. I actually signed up to the torrent site to download kid's programs!
I've been using this site for music downloads for my Ipod. I have had no problems but my nephew said you do not have to sign up for it you can just use it without doing that. So I did not have a problem. Just make sure you use good files and read what other people say about the file. The file has to have good health
I have used Utorrent for a number of years now and it will never download things all on its own. It is a by-way so to speak to download movies, music, T. V. shows etc. An excellent and fast peer to peer program to have and very user friendly!
I purchased Utorrent Pro for the primary reason that it advertises Pro having real help. This has not proved to be true in my experience. There is no way to contact Pro help. The basic Utorrent program works well but for the reason stated I advise against purchasing Pro.