United Health Care

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Be careful!
December 5, 2022

Called UHC.com to ask a few questions about the dental plans they offer. The woman from sales could not answer my questions, she could not tell me if my dentist was on the UHC plan; but she continued to attempt to sign me up for their Medicare Advantage Plan, asking me all the info required to do so. I wonder how many seniors she and this company has railroaded into signing up for a health plan without their consent. I've taken them off the list of prospective insurance companies. I'm thinking about filing a formal complaint with Medicare and the state.

Date of experience: December 5, 2022
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This healthcare company is the worse. They say they would pay for a periodontist, because the closest one on their panel was 100 miles away, and after 3 months they still refuse to pay. You call them and a person in the Philippines answers. They usually have no idea what you need. They become frustrated and hang up on you. I ask for a US representative so they connect me with Trinidad? They are the worst. Since this is renewal season choose anyone else.

Date of experience: November 8, 2022
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I am a student in Florida and have had health insurance with UnitedHealth care for the three academic years, since I started the college. During summer and winter breaks I visit my parents in Europe and have had several medical issues thus I had to see doctors, conduct tests, etc. Besides Covid test fees, the insurance has not paid anything at all. There is a system in place where you can send a complain, ask a question and most of the time you do not get a response. I conducted several thyroid visits/tests and got medication last August and so far, they have denied all. Same for the previous years. Again, no matter you submit a complain, you would not get a response. If it was not a single case, then I would not bother to write a review; however, it has been going on for the last three years. My sister is studying in Illinois and has Aetna, never had an issue. Jurgen

Date of experience: January 7, 2024
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Worst ever called them received all the information I would need to get my pump for my lymphedema, also was told it would be covered 100% because I met all my deductibles, now they are saying it isn;'t covered because their clinical team (not doctors, don't know me at all) state it is not medically necessary, my doctor sent everything in that they asked for and I have been using a pump for over 8 years now all of a sudden it is not medically necessary. Right, there will be a law suit coming their way very shortly. They don't want to pay so they are dragging this out until the end of the year. Then watch January 1 they will say oh well now you have to pay your deductibles all over again. Not going to happen this time I am fighting them

Date of experience: November 16, 2021
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United health care created this entire TV channel on how the affordable care act affects all of us. Even if you do not have united health care this is a great website. I have blue cross and they do not have these videos but they should. I am not sure why the government does not put out great videos like this. You would think they would do this for us. I am glad united health explains how obamacare affects us. Here is a lazy link to the videos http://www.uhc.tv/term?term=Health+Care+Reform+Demystified&sid=78

Date of experience: November 11, 2013
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Ultra poor- stay away
November 10, 2022

Poor service poor customer service poor quality poor people poor team
Don't help people
Not organized
Bad service

Date of experience: November 10, 2022