Trusted House Sitters

Trusted House Sitters

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New York
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This scam has you working hard for free, trying to please fastidious rude owners, caring for their poorly trained dogs, with no live app support ever available. This is if you can ever find a sit. The app always takes the pet owners side in any situation.

Read the fine print. You can't have guests, it's on you to deep clean. I thought it would be like Airbnb with great pets. Very disappointed.

Date of experience: June 1, 2023
New Jersey
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We did a trial of this service but never used it. They enroll you in auto pay without disclosing, we were billed for a full year on auto pay. No one answers the phone on the site, emails to support go unanswered, best you can do is a chat bot which sends articles on why you cant get a refund past 14 days. Buyer beware - company seems to spend all its resources on SEO and ads.

Date of experience: July 5, 2023
New York
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Follow Jessica L.
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Even getting to *apply* for a sit it like winning the lotto. Only five people are allowed to apply for each sit. I have given the site a very fair chance (six months), receiving email notifications daily for sits, and every single sit I have ever been interested in is not accepting applications by the time I click through to apply. Dozens, if not over a hundred failed attempts. I politely requested a pro-rated refund and there are no exceptions to their yearly commitments. Their suggestion was for me to download the app and get instant notifications so I can apply faster - but this is wildly impractical advice for someone with a full time job. Perhaps if you are unemployed and able to watch for notifications like a hawk to act IMMEDIATELY you'd enjoy the site but it's completely useless and and utter waste of money otherwise.

Date of experience: September 22, 2023
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We had a sitter at our house for 10 days who left the exterior irrigation system on for the whole period causing massive flooding in our basement. When trying to connect with Trusted House sitters via email and phone to discuss applying for coverage through their plan we have received Zero, I repeat Zero communication back. If they want word of mouth to spread about their program through social networks maybe they'd treat customers better.

Date of experience: August 25, 2023
2 reviews
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Don't waste your money. They won't refund you no matter what. This is a trash site that claims your satisfaction but actually has zero customer service. They'll reply to this saying someone will reach out but I've contacted their support several times with no help. The risk of losing money or having an unqualified person in your home is high due to the fact they make it impossible to report scammers. Again just don't do it.

Date of experience: August 1, 2023
New Mexico
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Follow Eukie G.
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I joined and paid for membership but have not been able to discuss a problem I have with a link to external references. Attempting to contact anyone has been futile. The directions from their help-bot are worthless as it keeps referring me to a solution that sends me back to original problem with no resolution or even coming close to answering my specific issue. I tried to call the phone number in the UK and listened to a garbled message referring me to their website and my attempts to contact via email keep referring me Frankie - the help-bot. As it stands now I am unable to submit external references and my membership is ticking away without any resolution or offers. Wasted money and no customer service.

Date of experience: July 16, 2023
3 reviews
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Follow Janet Z.
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We had sitter destroy an expensive murphy bed, attempt to cover it up and then made up a lie about how it happened, neglected our dog. We had video evidence and all the company did was give them a warning, leaving them to destroy others property and neglect their animals. Then the company keeps stringing me along with the promise of paying the destruction. We call them Busted Housesitters now- don't trust them.

Date of experience: February 16, 2024
2 reviews
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THS Alternative
June 8, 2023

An excellent option in the United Kingdom is House Sitters UK, offering a compelling alternative. It is free for hosts to join and costs less than £30 for sitters. Additionally, their customer service surpasses expectations. On the other hand, THS tends to label individuals as trolls if they express dissatisfaction with their reviews, displaying unprofessional conduct. I encourage you to visit the THS forum on Reddit, where people can freely share their opinions about the company without being subjected to moderation.

Date of experience: June 8, 2023
1 review
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Follow Linda M.
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I had a 45 yo male who appeared professional on paper. I truly believe he was just looking for a place to stay and NOT have to deal with caring for my pets. I came home to unhappy animals, a filthy house, my walls (2 different places) had liquid spilled on them and not cleaned up. This guy was a pig, literally!

Date of experience: October 29, 2023
South Carolina
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Follow Tiffany T.
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I have had soo many great house and pet sitters from this website. I pay them NOTHING! It's awesome.
Right now there is a black friday savings event. Use code RAF294100 to save 30% AND get 3 months free!

Date of experience: November 18, 2023


Trusted House Sitters has a rating of 3.2 stars from 998 reviews, indicating that most customers are generally satisfied with their purchases. Reviewers satisfied with Trusted House Sitters most frequently mention pet owners, great way and wonderful people. Trusted House Sitters ranks 1st among Classifieds sites.
