Consider yourself warned, THS offers anything but trust! I have now had several negative back to back experiences on THS and I strongly discourage pet or homeowners to entrust their home or beloved fur babies to the so-called "petsitters" on THS.
Unfortunately, THS promotes itself as a cheap way to travel and therefore attracts a disproportionate amount of so-called petsitters that have absolutely no experience other than "I had a pet as a child" type of reference. If you've ever had a pet as a child, you know who took care of it, most likely your parents! Therefore, having a pet as a child does not automatically qualify anyone to be a "Petsitter".
Equally distressing is the fact that I have been told by more than one so-called "Petsitter" that they just use the THS platform to "live rent-free" (yes, I was actually told this on several occasions), and/or as a way to travel on the cheap. Experience has taught me that most (even the most sweet-talking ones that tell you exactly want you want to hear), don't actually plan on taking care of your pets as they go about touring your city, visiting all of the sights/museums/attarctions by day and restaurants by night, all while your pets are left alone except for the occasional walk.
If you're lucky, this will be the least of your problems if not then you can expect to have the overwhelming burden of proof placed on you all for naught, as they always take the "petsitters" side due to "insufficient proof" or claiming that the claim was not submitted within their timeframe. Note that if you have to open a claim that you are expected to translate all supporting documentation into English despite the fact that THS doesn't seem to have a problem collecting membership fees in every language and country that they do business in.
The fundamental flaw of THS is their review system, which allows each party to view the review that was left by the other party PRIOR to submitting their own review allowing them to effectively post to revenge reviews and negative ratings if they don't like the review that's been left for them.
This effectively means that 5* reviews of petsitters on THS cannot be trusted for fear of reprisal by the petsitter against the homeowner. One would think that pet owners would want to warn others and keep the platform safe but the fact is that once a pet owner has several negative reviews it means that it will be extremely difficult to find a petsitter the next time they need one, and this is why you will see that >90% of reviews of petsitters are 5*. If one dares to bring these systemic issues to light on the THS community then posts are immediately removed by the moderator.
THS does nothing to promote trust and safety on their platform because enrolling new memberships from travelers (sorry "petsiiters" as THS likes to call them) is more lucrative. I'm sure that there are extremely caring and professional petsitters however the majority are not on THS, just the opposite.