Ticket Wala PK

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Really appreciate buying online tickets to events in Pakistan at Ticketwala.pk. Even in this COVID-19 season they are doing great job helping find events that can be done and attended online. Kudos to you guys! #Respect

Date of experience: April 17, 2020
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Great Service
April 19, 2020

I made a purchase from the website for tickets for an online class, things worked quite smoothly and I just had an issue at one step of the process but a representative got in touch and guided me through! Love the service!

Date of experience: April 17, 2020
1 review
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Fantastic Idea
April 19, 2020

For a country that lacks to provide entertainment for the masses ticketwala has stepped in to fill in that bubble by curating and marketing different types of events across Karachi and the country. In addition to that they have introduced a platform for organizers to use in creating and distributing tickets for events, which will lead to better statistics for organizers and ticketwala itself, hence drawing in hefty investments for more such events to take place in the city.

Date of experience: April 17, 2020