This company’s rating is currently unavailable.
Paid the $27.99 to get phone unlocked. A couple of days go by, and I get an email that they were uncuccessful and needed more money to unlock the phone. If the whole website was written with these chances or percentages, I wouldn't have felt scammed. I'm sure it is in the fine print, but if they keep it there, their reviews will end up reflecting the bad experiences.
I was sceptical about this company at first. Very sceptical. But then I spoke to the owner (he emailed me on his own volition) and reassured me that the process was 100% legitimate, fast and I was going to get my entire amount back if it didn't work. I was like *okay...? You must be VERY confident in your work if you're gonna give me the entire amount back.*
So I said, let's do it. There were some setbacks, but they kept me updated through each step and answered all of my questions through countless emails and chats and even offered after sales support.
Needless to say, I'm typing this up from my unlocked phone.
Thank you Mia, I want to first thank you for your patience and taking a chance on us. It was a pleasure working with you and I am glad it all worked out. Enjoy the unlocked phone and please don't hesitate to contact us if you need anything else
They have a scam setup. Prymid scams believing u gonna have an unlock n find out you gotta pay more like 2xs, and main scam is they dont fully refund u, but store credit so they can scam you more.
Hello Tim, sorry you feel that way, we are simply providing you the best possible option if the 27.99 service is unsuccessful, which we refund if you do not want to proceed. I guarantee we are the cheapest unlock option you will find, and will be happy to provide further assistance if needed
I have been in the phone business for 10 years now and dealt with a lot of unlock companies. But those s guys are the best!
Thank you Mo, we appreciate the kind words, hopefully we have a customer for life. Please email us if you need any other device unlocked
The phone was unlocked like they said in a matter of 6 days. Outstanding services keep up the good work.
Thank you Omar, happy we could help. Please contact us ( if you need anything else
Response time was quik. They were unable to unlock the first go around but succeeded the next opportunity. So glad I was able to find this company.
Fast and easy. Timely response. Friendly. Professional.
Thank you Connie, it was a pleasure working with you!
So, my 1st purchase was schetchy at best! I felt li,e I made a bad mistake on the 1st purchase. On my 2nd it more than seems as if the company is taking advantage of me, making excuses with NO Evidence nor proof of its inability to do what is needed. My faith in the company is ZERO, I'm already letting ppl I know not to use the services, as I've paid money with NO RESULTS JUST EXCUSES Regarding the 2nd device I need unlocked. I n my friends which are in the thousands...including business partners worldwide.
Good morning Samuel, I am confused as to why we have received this review. We sent the unlock emails through the threads we were speaking on to ensure they did not get sent to SPAM. Your first order was placed and unlocked within 2 hours of purchase with the unlock code for your order being 1319026461484935 on September 28th. You then ordered again at which time we had to upgrade and use the Samsung worldwide service which was again unlocked within 15 days of the order and an unlock code of 9627279250702080. I hope this clears things up, and I would be happy to speak to you further via email to help get this resolved as I have sent an email to the 2 different email addresses you used when contacting us.
Overall fantastic experience! Received code in a timely manner, and with exceptional customer service! Highly recommend!
Thank Joshua, it was a pleasure working with you, enjoy the Unlocked device
BELIEVE the negative reviews!
This company preys on your hope that they will deliver on their promises.
You will see "1-72 hours" advertised. You will see a "100% satisfaction guarantee" advertised.
You will pay your money, and then you're caught.
This company WILL NOT deliver on its promises.
You will receive emails from them with "updates" of no substantive content. You will receive these emails, mentioning their "no refunds" policy and even threats to blacklist your IMEI if you dare chargeback the amount paid when they do not deliver.
This sort of business behavior is illegal in most states (this is true regardless of their "terms" you allegedly "agreed to"). As they preyed on your hopes, they also prey on your fears, that by threatening to brick your phone with a fraudulent (on their part) IMEI blacklist, they hope you will simply go away and eat your financial loss.
My recommendation - with the strongest emphasis - is to AVOID this company at all costs. If, however, you were suckered in, don't cower in fear. Do that chargeback. Your card company will side with you when what was advertised is not delivered. And if they're dumb enough to actually go through with a fraudulent IMEI blacklist over a disputed debt, they'll turn a civil matter into a criminal act. They can only blacklist a phone by exposing themselves to carrier and law enforcement scrutiny. You will easily recover your money in litigation should you choose that path, as this sort of scam is self-evidently wrong, both legally and morally.
They're counting on suckers patronizing them and then cowering in the face of their threats. Such a "business model" needs to be shut down.
Hello John Graf, I do sincerely apologize if you had a bad experience with our company. Unfortunately after you provided the additional information from our request we have been unable to locate any order under your email address or name John Graf within The Unlocking Company database. We have sent an email to you based on the email provided so we can resolve this issue and/or provide assistance to direct you to the company you ordered from and mistook us for. We have noticed you have sent the same review across multiple platforms so we are going to take the time to respond to each one in one message then send it across the other reviews you made. Hopefully this information will not only help you understand our company but will also provide insight on what company you may have ordered from.
We do advertise that our time frame is 1-72 hours, it is also average estimated times based on the various services we use to unlock your device at the 27.99 price paid. This price covers about 80% of all the orders placed and if any customer wants to check if we can unlock before ordering we encourage you to email We would be happy to check for you. We also do advertise a “Satisfaction Guarantee” and we work hard to fulfill that promise offering refunds as well as alternate methods to unlock your device if the first few solutions are unsuccessful.
Our updates: We do provide continued email communication with our customers, letting them know if the unlock is taking longer than usual or if other solutions are necessary as well as if the progress seems to stay on the 1-72 hour time frame. If our updates are of no “Substantive content” then we do apologize. We are always willing to take constructive criticism to help benefit future customers.
REFUNDS are provided if we cannot unlock your device and we do not make threats about blacklisting a phone for a chargeback. There are many legitimate chargebacks including goods/services not delivered. The chargebacks we are worried about and try to prevent are the ones that are fraud. Unauthorized charges or without card holder permission can be considered the use of stolen property and we cannot be an accomplice to stolen property. I do not believe we prey on any customer. We try to provide them the ability to unlock their device for the cheapest price available in the market while also trying to maintain the highest success rate in the industry. If you are an honest customer using your rightful card then you should have no fear of your phone being blacklisted for fraud because paying for an order with your card is not fraud.
Title of your review: BELIEVE the negative reviews - I think it is important to take into account both the positive and negative reviews when making a decision on what unlocking company to choose or any company for that matter. This allows you to gain a full perspective on a company as well as see how the company responds to both types of reviews. Are customers needs met? Did they make an effort to resolve the issue? These are important questions to ask yourself before using your hard earned money.
Hopefully this clears up any questions or concerns you or any future customers may have. John, I look forward to an email response back from you so we can continue to work together to reach a resolution into this matter or help provide you direction on what company to contact about your order.
Answer: What is the make, model, locked carrier and we can see if we can unlock
Answer: What is the locked carrier of the phone and when you enter a new sim card what prompt appears in exact words
Answer: What is the make, model, locked carrier as well as the IMEI, we can then check to see if we can unlock
Answer: What is the locked carrier and the IMEI and I can check to see if we can unlock
Answer: We can definitely check before an order is made What is the IMEI and When you power on the phone with a NON ACCEPTED sim card, what appears when the first powers on? (Pictures Work Too)
Answer: We can definitely check before an order is made What is the IMEI and When you power on the phone with a NON ACCEPTED sim card, what appears when the first powers on? (Pictures Work Too)
Answer: Please confirm/re-send the following four things through email here… 1. Locked carrier/country of your phone, 2. Exact model 3. IMEI of your phone by typing *#06# into the dial pad. 4. Carrier you want to use once unlocked Is this your order? ***Order Number: -6632523**** Name: Jaylyn bell IMEI: 352206202176043 PHONE: iPhone 13 Pro Max LOCKED CARRIER: Verizon PRICE: 19.99 DELIVERY TIME: 1 - 5 Days IF YES, Just sent email with the unlock instructions Your iPhone has been remotely unlocked! Here is how to complete the process of factory unlocking your Apple iPhone... If you have a sim card from a different carrier other than the locked carrier follow these steps: Insert the new sim card into your phone. (make sure it says "sim not supported") Open up iTunes and connect your phone to your computer. (You must have internet)Complete the setup process, it will say your iPhone is now factory unlocked!***Please Note: After we unlock it, and send the delivery email: Some newer Iphones will automatically unlock once connected to Wi-Fi (with a non accepted sim card in it), so no need to connect to Itunes***... If you don't have another sim card you can use (or if it doesn't "sim card not supported" on your phone when powered up with a non accepted sim card), follow these steps to complete the process: Back up your iPhone. Erase your iPhone. Complete the setup assistant and restore your backup through iTunes.If you experience issues or see the following message in iTunes or on your device, follow the steps below:"The sim card inserted in this iPhone does not appear to be supported. Only compatible sim cards from a supported carrier may be used to activate iPhone. Please insert the sim card that came with your iPhone or visit a supported carrier store."Restore your iPhone... ***If you have any problems or issues with the unlock, PLEASE READ and reply to the 4 questions below thoroughly. Issues with Iphone unlocks can and may arise, but 99% of the time are either user error or fixable/explainable and can be remedied quickly and easily! 1. What's your phone say when you power it on with a non accepted sim card? Does it give you a "sim not supported" message? 2. Did you power on the phone with a non accepted sim card and then sync it to Itunes? What does Itunes say? 3. And if nothing - did you restore your Iphone well connected to Itunes? Be sure iTunes is updated to the latest OS. 4. What is the carrier of the sim card you're putting into the phone? ~ Please answer EACH question in detail ~ Thank you so much for your business and God Bless, we look forward to hearing from you again in the future! Can we just ask one simple favor from you! If you have time and feel up to it, we'd love any feedback you would be willing to leave for us! This is a small family business and any positive feedback helps more than you can imagine! Either way - thank you again and take care! Or Thank you & God BLess!
Answer: Unfortunately we cannot unlock blacklisted phones as they are not unlockable
Answer: Unfortunately we cannot unlock blacklisted phones as they are not unlockable
Answer: When you enter a new sim card and power on the phone what prompt appears in exact words
I am sorry Nacho if you feel that you were scammed in anyway. There is always a chance of an unlock being unsuccessful at the 27.99 price point. We simply provide you an alternate option or refund the purchase